“I am proud that Żabka Group has been placed on the podium of the prestigious Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces 2024 ranking. Our organisation is made up of people who want to change the surrounding reality, and their commitment is reflected today by the high market position of Żabka Group. Together, every day, we build a working environment based on respect, cooperation and sharing experiences, and thanks to this we can create innovations on an international scale.  The award is the crowning achievement of our 6-year cooperation with the Gallup Institute, thanks to which our organisation has become one of the best places to work in the world,“ says Tomasz Suchański, CEO of Żabka Group.

    The ranking is based on the results of satisfaction surveys of more than 2 million people from companies with between 30 and more than 10,000 employees. The list recognises companies that put respect, care and appreciation for their employees at the heart of their business model, and in doing so have earned the loyalty and respect of those who work for them.

    “As workplaces continue to shift, it’s clearer than ever that fostering collaboration, embracing a positive outlook, and aligning values are essential. The companies celebrated on the 2024 Global Most Loved Workplaces® list truly embody these principles. They show us that by championing respect and team oriented outcomes, they’re not just building great workplaces, they’re shaping a brighter future for all.” – says Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief of Newsweek.

    „I started Most Loved Workplaces out of inspiration from my community of people who consciously place love for their employees at the center of their business model,“ said Louis Carter, the founder, and CEO of BPI and a social/organizational psychologist, thought leader, entrepreneur, and author.

    For the full Newsweek list of 2024’s Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces®, please visit: https://www.newsweek.com/rankings/global-most-loved-workplaces-2024 Żabka Group’s Responsibility (ESG) Report is available at: https://zabkagroup.com/esg/

    The #NANOrmally campaign aims to strengthen awareness of Żabka Nano brand. We want to encourage people who, for various reasons, have not yet decided to do so, to use the convenience of shopping in autonomous shops. We say that at Żabka Nano you will do your shopping #NANOrmally, i.e. better than usual. At the same time we emphasise the advantages of our format – accessibility, convenience, speed and personalisation of the shopping process – says Andrzej Poplawski, Nano Sales & Marketing Lead at Żabka Future.

    #NANOrmal shopping

    Created as part of the #NANOrmally campaign, the creations, using a play on words, explain in a humorous way how to shop at Żabka Nano. They also highlight the advantages of shopping in the chain’s autonomous shops, including availability seven days a week around the clock, ease of use of the stores, speed of the shopping process (no queues, checkouts or need to scan products), availability of an assortment personalised to the type of location and customer profile (e.g. for students) and attractive promotions for Żappka app users. They also point out the unique features of shopping at Żabka Nano, such as the ability for several people to shop at the same time, the possibility to buy fruit and vegetables by the piece (without having to weigh them) or the ease of cancelling the purchase of a given product if the customer changes their mind. The whole thing is tied together by the slogan #NANOrmal shopping – which is even better than normal and ordinary shopping.

    The campaign is running on the most popular online advertising platforms. A series of 6 educational films and animations promoting Żabka Nano were created, which are stylized as conversations held on Messenger, Tinder or Microsoft Teams. The advertisements are targeted geographically, in large cities where Żabka Nano stores are located, including Katowice, Krakow, Poznań, the Tricity, Warsaw and Wrocław, as well as based on retargeting and previous interest in using Żabka Nano shops.

    The creative concept was developed by the Polot agency. OOH media purchase was handled by the Value Media agency.

    Not such an ordinary shop

    Żabka Nano is an innovative concept that is changing and shaping the perception of the consumer experience. The first stores started their operations in June 2021 in Poznań, Żabka Nano stores are located, among others, in office buildings or dormitories. They are also an important part of the urban fabric – they are present on important city streets or at metro stations and railway stations.

    Read more about Żabka Nano at: zabkagroup.com/pl/convenience/nano/ i zabka.pl/zabka-nano

    We welcomed the news that the formal process of merging DRIM Daniel Distributie with the Żabka Group has been completed. This is another step towards the development of the convenience ecosystem in the European market and our further expansion. We hope that the strategic cooperation with DRIM will influence the further dynamic development of this company –says Tomasz Suchanski, CEO of Żabka Group.

    DRIM Daniel Distributie is one of the largest distribution networks for FMCG products on the Romanian market, currently employing more than 800 people. Throughout its 30 years of activity, the company has created an extensive logistical structure, allowing it to supply around 12,000 traditional trade stores today.  The formal acquisition of a majority stake in DRIM Daniel Distributie enables the further accelerated growth of the company announced by Żabka Group, taking advantage of DRIM’s market position, local reputation, know-how in the convenience area and capital commitment.

    Established in 2021, Żabka Group was created with multi-directional development in mind. In more than two years, the Group incorporated entities from the market into its structures and built new areas of operation from scratch. As a result, in addition to its existing sales in the convenience segment, it built a leading position in the q-commerce and diet catering sectors. At the end of 2023, the Group confirmed its ambitions to go beyond the Polish market by declaring its intention to acquire the Daniel DRIM Distributie FMCG distribution company in Romania. Due to the intensive growth, the Management Board with CEO Tomasz Suchanski decided to appoint another member to its board and to change the areas of responsibility.

    In his role as Executive Vice President, Tomasz Blicharski will be responsible for the strategy and development of the entire Group. Tomasz brings to these areas many years of experience in managing different areas of the Group, from finance to innovation to the creation of new business areas.  He has previously become known as a leader in digital transformation and managing M&A processes. The value built through these activities is an important part of the Group’s strategy.

    A new organizational unit was also established within the Group – Żabka International, which will be headed by Anna Grabowska in the role of Executive Vice President and Managing Director. The unit will provide operational support to Group entities in foreign markets. Anna Grabowska has unique experience in managing multiple areas. Consumer strategies, supplier relations, marketing communications and ESG are just part of this experience. She has also dealt with markets outside Poland for many years, which is an asset in building new markets for Żabka Group. Her knowledge of consumer needs and the convenience area has contributed to building the Group’s success in Poland.

    Wojciech Krok, as a new member of the Management Board, brings experience backed by numerous achievements in the digital and technological areas, which are key to the Group’s operations. He previously created and developed the Żabka Jush and delio services. Recently, he started the process of consolidating external digital solutions for franchisees and customers. He has extensive experience in leading large teams, which he has used successfully within the Żabka Group for several years.

    The Żabka Group is an extension of the activities of the Żabka brand, formerly known as a convenience store chain. As part of the implementation of the multi-directional development strategy, the structure was based on specialised units, such as Żabka Polska or Żabka Future, supported by central and strategic functions. Such an organisation makes it possible to concentrate competencies and responsibilities in clearly defined and specialised teams. One dimension of multidirectional growth was the inclusion of new entities in the Group’s physical channels and digital channels, i.e. Maczfit and Dietly. Thanks to the technological transformation, innovative concepts developed: q-commerce Żabka Jush and Żabka Nano, which is Europe’s largest chain of autonomous shops.

    The Group led by Tomasz Suchanski in the role of CEO invariably comprises Żabka Polska, for which the Executive Vice President, Managing Director Adam Manikowski, is responsible, as well as the areas operating from 2021: Human Resources Strategy, headed by Jolanta Bańczerowska in her role as Member of the Management Board, Chief People Officer, and Financial Strategy, headed by Marta Wrochna-Łastowska, Member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer.

    The expanded organisational structure will help manage the expansion of Żabka Group even better in new areas, and the new functions have been entrusted to people whose many years of experience and broad competence have contributed to the development of the organisation and are a guarantee of further success.

    Today, Żabka Group is a modern convenience ecosystem, and with more than 10,000 stores, digital solutions, and an extensive catering offer with door-to-door delivery and services used by more than 3 million customers every day, it is one of the most dynamically growing organisations in Europe.

    More information on https://zabkagroup.com/pl/#struktura-zarzadcza

    Every year, 100 GOCC Gold Hearts are auctioned during the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The heart with the number 1 is considered to be the most valuable one and it was the one auctioned by Żabka Group for PLN 1,050,000. Participation in the auction was the crowning achievement of the company’s long-standing commitment to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, as well as highlighting the Group’s 25th anniversary celebrated last year. In addition, the motto of this year’s 32nd Finale was: ‚Post-pandemic lungs. We play for kids and adults alike!‘, and it was our goal to support pulmonology wards and provide them with the right equipment to fight the effects of the pandemic. From the very beginning of the outbreak of the pandemic, the Żabka Group became heavily involved in activities to increase the safety of its customers, franchisees and employees, as well as providing large-scale support for Polish hospitals in the fight against COVID-19. In total, we donated more than PLN 1,000,000 for these activities at the time. The Golden Heart of this year’s campaign is therefore a kind of symbol of social commitment for the chain.

    The Żabka Group has for years formed the most numerous staff of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Poland. Colourful GOCC collection boxes stood in over 10,000 Żabka stores. In addition, users of the mobile app were able to donate Żapps to the Foundation, and Żabu wore a special volunteer T-shirt for the occasion.

    Thanks to the commitment of its customers and franchisees, the company donated a total of more than PLN 1,300,000 to the 32nd GOCC Finale.

    On the day of the 32nd Finale, i.e. January 28, this year, the chain’s franchisees also organised a ‚Warm up Volunteer‘ campaign, which included free hot drinks for all fundraisers. In total, the company handed out nearly 35,000 teas, coffees and hot chocolates. This means that every third Volunteer in Poland was hosted by Żabka. They were most willing to treat themselves to coffee with milk (over 12 thousand drinks collected), hot chocolate (over 7.7 thousand) and cafe lattes (over 5.6 thousand).

    Good composition and excellent taste do not have to be mutually exclusive. The new food program „Porcja DobreGO!” from Żabka is aimed at making good nutrition easier. The chain offers well-balanced ready meals and snacks that not only respond to different taste preferences but are also adapted to different lifestyles. Analyzing the trends and expectations of consumers regarding rational nutrition and at the same time their anxieties related to insufficient knowledge or lack of time, Żabka wants to provide them with easy access to good, ready-made meals from a rich portfolio of private labels. All in cooperation with a qualified nutritionist.

    Żabka stores are visited by about 3 million customers every day. Many of them associate good nutrition with the labor-intensive process of preparing and planning meals. The „Porcja DobreGO!” program is designed to change this perspective. Tasty and healthy food can now be at your fingertips, also when it comes to the category of ready meals, which according to our research are purchased by 70% of adult Poles. The initiative follows a new approach to good nutrition that the chain defined in 2022. After the pandemic and in the face of rising inflation, fewer and fewer people are choosing to „eat in restaurants“, so the popularity of ready meals is increasing. Being aware of this, the chain wants to offer its customers full-fledged products that they can reach for regularly. Thanks to this, the consumer no longer has to think about how to eat tasty and healthy, because the Żabka did it FOR Them.

    Tasty and for every occasion

    Dishes and snacks marked with a special sticker „Porcja DobreGO!“, selected from the range of private labels, are distinguished by the highest quality in all aspects. Each product covered by the program is carefully selected, taking into account the knowledge of the dietician and the various consumer habits. The mission of good nutrition also includes the portions of the product themselves – which in terms of volume and composition constitute a full-fledged meal for every occasion. In this way, access to good food and a change of diet on own terms with the Żabka chain becomes extremely easy.

    Good food should not be difficult to access or time-consuming. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy fully-fledged meals that fit their expectations and circumstances. We would also like to confirm that ecology understood through sustainable food is one of the pillars of our activity and fits into all the chain’s development plans. Initiatives such as the „Porcja DobreGO!” program are designed to make life easier for our customers without increasing our negative environmental impact. We know that we are on the verge of a global food transformation, and the Żabka wants to be always where the needs of consumers are”. –  says Anna Grabowska, Executive Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Commercial Officer of the Żabka Group.

    Good composition, good taste – just „Porcja DobreGO!”

    Żabka consistently strives to develop its private label segment. It works with both the largest suppliers of ingredients and finished products, as well as with small local producers. It watches over ingredients, recipes, and the production process. „Porcja DobreGO!“ is another step of this strategy – the program offer includes products from all the private label brands available in the Żabka chain – Plant Hunter, Shamamm, Tomcio Paluch, or Dobra Karma.

    „Most of us are aware that rational nutrition affects our health, condition, and well-being. On the one hand, we try to listen to the advice of nutritionists, experts, and specialists, but every next tip introduces us to even more information confusion – we do not know exactly what products to choose at the store shelf, how to prepare tasty meals on their basis and how to compose a daily menu to provide all the necessary nutrients – says Agnieszka Piskała-Topczewska, nutritionist, Good Nutrition Manager in the Żabka Group. – That’s why the Żabka chain makes good nutrition much easier. In our private label range, we find products in which „tasty“ and „healthy“ are not in opposition, we took care of the best quality of ingredients, their proper proportions in ready meals, nutritional and health benefits, which are increasingly expected from ready-made products. Although we are different, we like different tastes, and we have different eating habits and beliefs, today the Żabka connects everyone at one table with the common denominator, which is „Porcja DobreGO!” – she adds.

    As the program continues, more and more products with the indication „Porcja DobreGO!” will appear in the Żabka stores. The key to their choice is the Nutri-Score system, which is located on 100% of the private label products. It communicates the nutritional profile of a meal and is excellent navigation for the intuitive balancing of the daily menu. Meals and snacks with a special sticker have the highest possible scores, namely Nutri-Score A and B. Among the currently available options, for those looking for a quick breakfast, the Tomcio Paluch sandwich with leek and egg in two versions – cooked and in the form of paste will be perfect. In turn, it is worth betting on filling and aromatic Shamm soups, e.g. tomato cream with cream or Ukrainian borscht, during lunchtime. Whether you prefer light vegetarian dishes or perhaps meat meals, the offer will include ready-made main dishes – Caesar salad or pasta with juicy chicken, as well as falafel from the Good Karma brand. For fans of more classic items, the traditional Russian dumplings Shamamm will work. The whole is complemented by appetizers in the form of cashew nuts and HAPS! almonds.

    The initiative started on July 5 with the action „Spróbuj DobreGO!” and will last until August 29, accompanied by an extensive 360 degrees campaign. To make it easier for customers to recognize the dishes and snacks present in the program, selected of them are marked with a special sticker. For holders of the mobile app Żappka – products are available at a promotional price – more than 25% cheaper.

    Good nutrition in every aspect, for every occasion and lifestyle – it is just „Porcja DobreGO!”.

    Tomasz Suchański, President of the Management Board of the Żabka Group, was a winner of Hermes Handlowy in the Personality of FMCG category. This is an award granted by the monthly magazine „Poradnik Handlowca“ to outstanding representatives of the FMCG industry in Poland.

    The award to Tomasz Suchański coincided with the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Żabka chain of stores. Żabka is a leader in convenience – for 25 years it has participated in the construction of this sector in Poland, being close to customers and their needs. The mission of Żabka is to simplify life for customers and offer them convenient, comprehensive solutions. The chain already works with more than 8 000 franchisees, supporting entrepreneurship and creating more than 56 000 jobs.

    The President of the Management Board of Żabka Group received the statuette during the ceremonial Gala, which took place during the 23rd Spring National Meeting of the Leading Figures of FMCG and HoReCa World in Poznań. The conference was attended by leading representatives of the FMCG world: top managers of foreign and domestic producers, CEOs and members of the management of retail chains, representatives of wholesale distributors, and CEOs of trade organizations.

    As the organizers of the competition emphasize, the mission of the „Poradnik Handlowca” and „Poradnik Restauratora”  has been for years supporting independent traders and restaurateurs, as well as distinguishing those who by their attitude give an example to others, achieving not only sales successes in trade or catering, but also realizing extremely important social and ethical missions.

    Żabka received three awards in the prestigious competition for the best grocery stores in Poland – Market of the Year 2023. The jury awarded the chain with prizes in the following categories: Small Format, Most Innovative Concept, and Best Franchise Concept. In the Retail Business Awards poll, which is a joint project of Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze and Business Center Club, the jury also decided to award the prize to Tomasz Blicharski. The Executive Vice President of the Management Board of Żabka Group, Managing Director of Żabka Future received the award in the category of Visionary of Retail Business.

    The Market of the Year 2023 and Retail Business Awards ceremony took place on May 25, during the Retail Trends 2023 Congress organized by Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze.

    Market of the Year is a prestigious poll for the best food stores in Poland. Every year, in several categories, individual stores and retail chains fight for this title. The winners are selected by a jury composed of top managers of major food companies, representatives of research institutes, and industry organizations.

    As part of this year’s Market of the Year, Żabka received the award in the category Small Format for „being synonymous with a small store, combined with continuous improvement of the concept, setting new standards for the convenience market and being a benchmark for all commercial rivals not only within one format“.

    The jury also praised Żabka for the concept of Żabka Nano. The chain received the award for Most Innovative Concept ‚for having created the largest chain of unmanned stores in Europe, and soon to be the largest in the world while taking care not only of the technological facilities but also of the financial indicators of the project‘.

    Żabka, according to the judges, is also the Best Franchise Concept. The judges appreciated Żabka for „becoming the largest retail chain in Poland in the last year, with the simultaneous emphasis on technology development and innovation, which translates into benefits for franchisees“.

    During the gala organized at the MCC Mazurkas Conference Center & Hotel in Ożarów Mazowiecki, near Warsaw, also the results were announced of the Retail Business Awards poll, in which Tomasz Blicharski was awarded the prize in the Visionary of Retail Business category. According to the jury, the executive vice-president of the management board of Żabka Group, managing director of Żabka Future, is „a manager who understands current and anticipates upcoming changes and his business decisions shape the face of the sector and set the direction of the industry development“.

    Retail Business Awards are prestigious business awards for companies from the retail and wholesale sectors in Poland. The statuettes are awarded to companies and their managers for real actions that create real value for business partners, suppliers, employees, local communities, and consumers, as well as the economy and environment.

    Żabka eröffnet ein mit intelligenten Lösungen angereichertes Öko-Innovationslabor. Żabka Eko Smart verfügt über eine der weltweit ersten Perowskit-Installationen – mit dieser bahnbrechenden Technologie wurden Preisschilder und Perowskit-Zellenraster geschaffen. Der Laden wurde mit Fernsteuerungssystemen für die Beleuchtung und die Ladeneinrichtung (Smart Shop Control) ausgestattet, und am Kaffeestand wurden Fliesen aus Kaffeesatz und Kaffeeschalen verlegt. Verschließbare, mit Hanfsamen-Matten isolierte Kühlschränke sparen viel Energie, ebenso wie die mit Glykol gefüllten Regale in der Gefriertruhe. Żabka plant, in Kürze drei weitere Geschäfte dieser Art in verschiedenen Teilen des Landes zu eröffnen.

    Das neue Geschäft ist Teil der Verantwortungsstrategie der Żabka-Gruppe, zu deren wichtigsten Bereichen die Sorge um die Umwelt gehört. Dazu gehören das Erreichen der Klimaneutralität bis Ende 2025 und die Reduzierung der Emissionsintensität in den Geschäften um 70 % bis Ende 2026 sowie die Steigerung der Zufriedenheit der Franchisenehmer mit der Kette. Żabka Eko Smart ist die Fortsetzung eines Projekts, das seit 2020 umgesetzt wird, als die Kette ihr erstes zu 100 % mit grüner Energie betriebenes Geschäft in der Lewandów-Straße in Warschau eröffnete. Die Warschauer Außenstelle hat den Charakter eines Labors, in dem Żabka – oft als erstes Unternehmen der Welt – fast 20 umweltfreundliche Lösungen testet, die zeigen, in welche Richtung sich die Zukunft des Handels entwickeln wird. Ein  weiterer Schritt war die Einrichtung von Żabka Smart in der Półwiejska-Straße in Poznań im April 2022, wo neue technologische Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Arbeit von Franchisenehmern erforscht werden. Die Kette verbindet und bereichert beide Projekte – Es wird Żabka Eko Smart, mit dem Sitz in Poznań in der Powstańców Wielkopolskich Straße 2, gegründet.

    Auf der Grundlage der Erfahrungen aus den in unserem Labor in Warschau durchgeführten Pilotprogrammen haben wir neue Lösungen für das Netz eingeführt, die die Treibhausgasemissionen um mehr als 1 300 t CO₂ und den Stromverbrauch um fast 261 MWh reduziert haben. Wir treten derzeit in die nächste Phase des Projekts ein und führen Żabka Eko Smart ein, die erste Filiale in Polen, in der wir ökologische Aspekte mit modernen technologischen Lösungen verbinden, um die Arbeit der Franchisenehmer und ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verbessern. Indem wir neue Lösungen präsentieren, ermutigen wir auch die Kunden, ein völlig neues Einkaufserlebnis zu erfahren. Wir hoffen, dass wir auf diese Weise ihre Neugierde weiter wecken und sie zu umweltfreundlichem Handeln ermutigen können, sagt Anna Grabowska, stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende für Verbraucherstrategien von Żabka Gruppe.

    Die in Żabka Eko Smart angewandten intelligenten Lösungen sind nicht nur energieeffizient, sondern verbessern erheblich auch die tägliche Arbeit des Franchisenehmers und des Ladenpersonals. 

    Sie „kommunizieren“ mit dem Franchisenehmer und den Verkäufern und „führen“ bestimmte Tätigkeiten in der Filiale aus. Technologie zastosowane w Żabce Eko Smart skupiają się wokół pięciu kluczowych kategorii: zielona energia, drugie życie, czyste powietrze, zielony transport oraz smart rozwiązania.  Sensoren für Wasserschäden, automatische Temperaturmessung in den Geschäften und Energiemessung sparen ihre Zeit, ermöglichen es ihnen, sich auf den Kundenservice zu konzentrieren und sind umweltfreundlich. Dies ist ein weiterer Schritt bei der Umsetzung der Franchise-Strategie, nach der Żabka innovative Lösungen entwickelt, um Unternehmern bei der Führung lokaler Geschäfte zu helfen, und dies auf möglichst umweltfreundliche Weise. Ohne die gute Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Poznań und dem städtischen Denkmalpfleger wäre es nicht möglich, unsere Ziele zu verwirklichen. Dank der Offenheit der Behörden für Innovationen und umweltfreundliche Lösungen können unsere Kunden, die Franchisenehmer von Żabka Eko Smart und ihre Mitarbeiter unsere Ideen in der Praxis testen, sagt Adam Manikowski, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender und Geschäftsführer von Żabka Polska.

    Die in Żabka Eko Smart eingesetzten Technologien konzentrieren sich auf fünf Schlüsselkategorien: grüne Energie, zweites Leben, saubere Luft, grüner Transport und intelligente Lösungen.

    Grüne Energie

    Die von Żabka Eko Smart in Poznań verwendete Energie stammt zu 100% aus erneuerbaren Quellen. Die Anlage verfügt über eine der ersten Perowskit-Installationen der Welt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine bahnbrechende Fotovoltaiktechnologie, die aus Sonnen- und Kunstlicht grüne Energie erzeugt. Eine Wand des Gebäudes wurde mit Jalousien verkleidet, und in der Verkaufsstelle wurden Preisleisten, Preisschilder, angebracht, um weiteres Papier zu sparen. Außerdem wurden fünfzehn Photovoltaikmodule auf dem Dach des Ladens installiert.

    Der Laden verfügt über moderne, verschließbare Kühlschränke, die den Energiebedarf für die Kühlung der Waren reduzieren und deren Isolierung aus Hanfmatten sehr gute thermische Eigenschaften aufweist. Dies ist eine vielversprechende Alternative zu dem üblicherweise verwendeten Polyurethanschaum, da Hanf – als natürliches Material – vollständig biologisch abbaubar ist. Die im Inneren der Kühltruhen installierten Glykolregale sind mit Glykol gefüllt, wodurch die Kälte gespeichert und in den kritischsten Momenten des Betriebs des Geräts wieder abgegeben werden kann, was die Sicherheit der gelagerten Produkte bei externen Störungen erhöht.

    Die Kunden können auch direkt von grüner Energie profitieren – vor dem Geschäft wurde eine Solarbank aufgestellt, an der sie ihr Handy aufladen können.

    Zweites Leben

    Die Wand neben der Kaffeemaschine war mit Fliesen aus Kaffeesatz und Kaffeeschalen, einem Abfallprodukt aus der Röst- und Brühphase des Kaffees, in Kombination mit Harz verkleidet.

    Vor dem Żabka Eko Smart in Poznań war der EKOmat, ein Gerät zum Sammeln von Flaschen und Getränkedosen, nicht zu übersehen. Die auf diese Weise gesammelten leeren Verpackungen werden zur Herstellung neuer Verpackungen für die Żabka-Eigenmarken (z. B. Od nowa, Dobra Karma, Foodini) verwendet, die einen um 33 % geringeren CO2-Fußabdruck hinterlassen als herkömmliche Verpackungen. Żabka hat mit Hilfe von EKOmatics bereits 600.000 Flaschen gesammelt.

    Żabka hat auch die Franchisenehmer und ihre Mitarbeiter nicht vergessen, für die T-Shirts aus 100 % Bio-Baumwolle, gefärbt mit zertifizierten Bio-Farben, hergestellt wurden.

    Saubere Luft

    Um die Menge an Staub und Schadstoffen, die in die Atmosphäre gelangen, zu verringern, wurde eine der Wände des Gebäudes, in dem sich der Żabka Eko Smart-Laden befindet, mit Pflanzen bedeckt. Sie produzieren nicht nur Sauerstoff, sondern absorbieren auch Staub und schädliche Stoffe aus der Luft. Insgesamt wurden 532 Pflanzen in 280 Töpfe gepflanzt.

    Der Effekt der Schadstoffbeseitigung wird durch den neben dem Gebäude verlegten Anti-Smog-Pflasterbelag noch verstärkt, der – im Vergleich zu Asphalt – die Konzentration von Stickoxiden in der Luft um durchschnittlich rund 50 Prozent reduziert.

    Grüner Transport

    Das Netz vergisst auch die Radfahrer nicht. Ein Fahrradständer ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Fahrrad sicher vor dem Geschäft abzustellen, und eine Fahrradreparaturstation neben der Verkaufsstelle ermöglicht es, Bremsen und Kettenschaltungen schnell einzustellen, Räder aufzupumpen und Notreparaturen durchzuführen.

    Smart Żabka

    Die in der Filiale eingesetzten intelligenten Lösungen „kommunizieren“ mit dem Franchisenehmer und dem Verkaufspersonal und „führen“ bestimmte Tätigkeiten in der Filiale aus. Dank der Beschallungsanlage erhält das Ladenpersonal Durchsagen über mögliche Störungen oder Informationen über Situationen, die ein menschliches Eingreifen erfordern, z. B. wenn in der Kaffeemaschine der Kaffee ausgeht. Im Rahmen des Smart Shop Control and Hybrid System passt sich die Temperatur im Laden dank geeigneter Sensoren automatisch an die aktuellen atmosphärischen Bedingungen an, die Messung des Energieverbrauchs und die Integration zwischen den Systemen ermöglicht die Überprüfung des korrekten Betriebs der Anlagen, und die Überflutungssensoren erkennen Fehler in den Kühlanlagen, was letztendlich die Kosten und die Ausfallzeiten des Ladens reduziert.

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