Already 8000 franchisees run their local businesses under the Żabka logo
Żabka has been joined by the 8,000th franchisee who will run her store in Dobieszowice (Silesian Voivodeship) with less than 2,000 inhabitants. This proves that Żabka attracts entrepreneurs with its business model. More and more people are starting up stores under its name also in smaller towns and rural areas. In 2022, the first stores of the chain were established in 154 new locations.
- The intensive development of our model across the recent years has contributed to gaining unique experience and developing proven solutions especially in demanding times for business. Żabka franchise system is so built that it helps to eliminate any possible danger associated with running your own business and because we share the knowledge developed over the years even a novice entrepreneur has a chance of success. Therefore, today we can enjoy the fact that our chain is joined by another, 8000th franchisee - emphasizes Przemysław Kijewski, COO at Żabka Polska, and adds: - The participation of franchisees in our business is very important - they are the ones who care about customer relationships and build the image of our brand. We are constantly developing our chain with them in mind, making the franchise offer more attractive, by introducing further benefits and modern tools - he adds.
The 8,000th franchisee of Żabka is Izabela Wilgos. For most of her professional life, she worked in the banking and insurance sectors. Among others, she was the director of one of the branches of a bank and of an insurance company in Bytom and Gliwice. At that time her husband changed the character of his business and opened a Żabka store.
- And it was a stimulus for me. After many years of working in the banking and insurance industry, including in management positions, I began to feel burnout. I knew I wanted to make a difference in my life, but I didn't know where to go. In July 2022, my husband decided to open a Żabka store. As much as I could, I tried to help him. First in the opening of the facility, then I watched closely how it was run. My decision to follow my spouse was the result of his inspiration, his announcement of support, and also our deeper analysis of this business. Żabka is a well-known brand and store in Poland, where customers will always be happy to come. The broad support offered by the chain, including low own equity contribution requirement, is also important. Both my husband and I, even before the opening of the outlets, liked Żabka and were happy to shop in its stores - emphasizes Izabela Wilgos.
Smaller towns with great potential
Last year, in Boguchwałowice, Silesia, a Żabka was established in the smallest settlement so far, with a population of just over 700. In 2022, the chain launched a total of almost 1100 stores, including 154 points in locations where there had been no green-label stores before.
Entrepreneurs developing their businesses with Żabka in small towns and rural areas can count on additional support from the chain. Among the solutions offered is a car enabling access to the facility as part of the "A car to start" program - aimed at entrepreneurs operating in towns of up to 30 thousand residents and living in other locations daily. Another benefit is the relocation package - that is, monthly financial support for franchisees, who decided to move to start up stores in towns of up to 50 thousand inhabitants. Importantly, Żabka meets the needs of local consumers, whose lifestyle is increasingly similar to that characteristic hitherto of the inhabitants of large cities - they value the time and convenience of shopping, as well as the ability to arrange many things in one place.
As the 8000th franchisee, who started running a business in a town with less than 2000 inhabitants, emphasizes: - For me, Dobieszowice is the perfect location for a Żabka store. It will be the first chain facility in this small town. Moreover, there is no well-equipped grocery store nearby, and there is no pharmacy, post office, or café. Thanks to our offer, local residents will be able to make comfortable shopping, drink fresh coffee, eat a warm snack, send a parcel, or play Lotto. My facility will respond perfectly to the needs of the local community.
Diversity of Żabka
Desiring to be a friendly and safe place for everyone working in the chain, Żabka has established an internal Equality Policy in 2021. It sets out key principles for fair treatment of all employed and cooperating persons and outlines objectives and guidelines for the creation of an inclusive organizational culture. The chain’s wealth is also created by its franchisees. Among them are people of different experiences, education, age, marital status, and also origin - besides Poles, these are citizens of 14 different countries.
- Among the entrepreneurs cooperating with us there are people of different experiences, education, and origin - all of them are characterized by high motivation, diligence, and willingness to develop - emphasizes Przemysław Kijewski, COO in Żabka Poland.
The chain is also a Signatory to the Diversity Charter in Poland, which is a written declaration obliging the organization to prohibit discrimination in the workplace.
Benefits of the franchise with Żabka
The franchisees who join the chain get a fully equipped and furnished facility in a place that is previously analyzed for many aspects, such as the potential number of customers. From the very beginning, entrepreneurs receive substantive, service, and technological support. They also receive a wide training package, preparing them to run the facility, as well as the opportunity to participate in 6-month onboarding tailored to individual needs. Throughout cooperation, they have access to a special development platform, and recently they can increase their competencies by participating in a project implemented within the framework of the Strategic Partnership with the Faculty of Management of the Warsaw University of Technology. The chain also provides them with innovative, often novel solutions, such as Optiplan or Cyberstore app for remote store management via smartphone, including placing orders, generating reports, or verifying delivery times. Franchisees also can run stores in various modern formats, such as Żabka Eko Smart.
Currently, people who start their business with the chain by the end of April this year receive an additional PLN 10,000 at the start. Franchisees, thanks to the support of the chain, gain space for stable development, including finances. Between April and June 2022, more than 77% of them achieved monthly revenues of at least PLN 22,000 or more. Importantly, to protect franchisees against the possible failure of their businesses, the chain offers them the possibility of benefiting from the unique collective insurance, the so-called Business Policy, on preferential terms.
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