Conveniently and Responsibly. Żabka Group summarizes implementation of the Responsibility Strategy for 2022
Conveniently and Responsibly. Żabka Group summarizes implementation of the Responsibility Strategy for 2022
Żabka Group is a modern ecosystem, which for 25 years has been accompanying customers at every moment of the day, making their life easier and freeing their time. It offers products and services tailored to their needs, focusing on Quick Meal and Food to Go solutions. With digitalization, it is able to continuously improve, creating innovative services, new sales channels and technological tools of the future. In its comprehensive Responsibility Strategy (ESG), Żabka Group demonstrates its commitment to creating a more sustainable lifestyle for all, while minimizing its environmental impact throughout the value chain. The Group's actions have a real impact on the development of the Polish economy - in 2022, the total amount of value added generated by Żabka Group and its co-operating franchisees amounted to as much as PLN 7 billion, which is 31% more than in 2021.
A summary of the actions taken by Żabka Group can be found in the fifth Responsibility Report "Comfortably and Responsibly", which has just been published. The publication contains many examples that illustrate the actions taken by the Group in 2022.
– Our Responsibility Strategy is closely integrated with our business strategy, and our main goal is to strive to make our customers' daily choices simpler and more convenient, while at the same time being more environmentally friendly. So we're doing a lot of work to positively impact our environment and be part of a real change for the better. We support local entrepreneurship and establish cooperation with cities, such as Bydgoszcz, where we test the circular economy system. In addition, we have opened the first store in Poland combining technology with more environmentally friendly solutions - Żabka Eko Smart. We have also received the EQUAL-SALARY certificate, and according to the Gallup Institute, we are among the 23% of the best companies in the world that create one of the most engaging workplaces. In line with our strategic commitment, we increase our transparency by regularly undergoing external reviews and verifications in the ESG area – says Anna Grabowska, Executive Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Commercial Officer of Żabka Group.
Żabka Group with a real impact on the economy and society
Żabka is the fastest growing chain of modern convenience in Central and Eastern Europe - it comprises more than 9,000 stores, run by more than 8,000 franchisees. Żabka is also the largest chain of autonomous stores in Europe - with about 50 Żabka Nano facilities. The Group also includes Maczfit, Dietly, Delio and Żabka Jush. The scope and scale of the activities of Żabka Group and franchisees has a significant impact on the Polish economy, as illustrated by the amount of value added (VA), which amounted to PLN 7 billion in 2022 (compared to PLN 5.3 billion in 2021). This figure is equal to the amount that would be sufficient to finance the renovation of approximately 12,700 km of national roads.
Żabka Group and franchisees cooperating with it also influence the labour market, maintaining over 56,400 jobs last year - a 24% increase compared to 2021 (45,400) and a 55% increase compared to 2020 (36,500). This positive impact in the area of employment is felt in all sectors of the Polish economy. The total number of jobs maintained last year is approximately equal to the total number of inhabitants of Swarzędz and Jarocin (Greater Poland Voivodship).
Żabka boosted sales of own brand products promoting sustainable lifestyles
In 2020 Żabka pledged to double the sales of its own brand products promoting a sustainable lifestyle by 2025. Thanks to the measures taken, such as a reformulation program, promoting a plant-based diet, eliminating palm oil from own brand products and branded products certified by the RSPO, Żabka achieved this goal two years ahead of the planned date. Therefore, in 2022, the chain redefined its approach to good nutrition and identified four aspects that it wants to focus on in the coming years. The new objectives include the promotion of products that have a high Nutri-Score rating, products of plant origin, with a so-called clean label or health or food labels in accordance with EU guidelines.
In 2022, the 100% Nutri-Score system was also a significant step forward to help customers make informed purchasing decisions. Nearly half (45%) of Żabka’s own-brand products received high marks and this percentage is still increasing. In addition, yellow versions of ready-made dishes from Szamamm brand provide as much as 2/5 of the suggested daily dose of vegetables.
Żabka collaborates with cities
Żabka not only supports local entrepreneurship, but also develops partnerships with cities. As part of the "Green Renewal" project, implemented in cooperation with the Bydgoszcz City Hall, residents can donate disposable beverage packaging in all stores of Żabka, and there are more than 120 of them in the city. The collected raw material is used to create new packaging, so less waste ends up in landfills. The pilot project also aims to raise environmental awareness among consumers and develop the habit of returning plastic and metal beverage containers just as glass bottles are currently returned. Due in part to such initiatives, in 2022 Żabka achieved plastic neutrality for its own brand products. At the same time, the chain is already very close to achieving another target - by the end of 2025, it wants 100% of own brand products packaging to come from recycling, and be recyclable. By 2022, the company had already achieved this target at the level of 94%.
Żabka Eko Smart, an eco-friendly innovation laboratory
In 2022, Żabka opened its first Eko Smart store in Poznań, a laboratory of innovative solutions that are more environmentally friendly, enriched with solutions that facilitate the work of franchisees and their employees. Żabka Eko Smart uses one of the world's first installations based on perovskite cells - this breakthrough technology has created price displays, so-called price tags, and shutters producing electricity. The facility is equipped with remote lighting management and Smart Shop Control systems, and next to the coffee stand there are tiles made of moss and coffee husks. Lockable, insulated with hemp mats, refrigerators allow for a great energy saving, just like glycol-filled shelves in the cooling cabinet.
More information about Żabka Eko Smart, which is already open in Poznań and Łódź, can be found at:
Żabka is one of the most engaging workplaces
For years, Żabka Group has been consistently building an organizational culture based on values, taking care of its employees and their development. It is a place where every person employed is valued, respected and able to realize their full potential - regardless of who they are. The group ensures that all employees are equally remunerated for work of equal value and influence on the organization, as confirmed by the certificate of equal pay awarded by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, a Swiss foundation studying equal pay in companies. Żabka Polska is the first Polish company with this distinction based on the UN guidelines and recognized by the European Commission. The certificate strengthens the position of the company among the best employers, who not only speak about their commitment to equality, but also demonstrate this commitment through real action.
Today, Żabka Group is also one of the most unique workplaces in the world - according to the Gallup Institute survey, it was among the 23% of the best companies in the world, which create one of the most engaging workplaces. Dynamic growth and large-scale expansion is impossible without committed teams and strong leaders, so continuously increasing the level of employee engagement is one of the company's strategic goals.
Responsibility Report for 2022
The report "Comfortably and Responsibly" is already the fifth Responsibility Report prepared by the company. The information contained in the publication summarizes the important results and selected activities carried out by Żabka Group in support of the implementation of the Responsibility Strategy in 2022. The information contained in the report is grouped into 4 strategic pillars: Pillar 01 - Sustainable lifestyle, Pillar 02 - Mindful business impact, Pillar 03 - Responsible organization and Pillar 04 - Green planet. The results of the activities were presented in a transparent manner and presented in the tables with results, as well as in the context of selected activities undertaken by the Group in the area of sustainable development and responsible business.
The publication has been prepared in accordance with the latest standards of non-financial reporting of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). At the same time, the report includes climate disclosures, which follow the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFDs), and a value model based on the recommendations of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). In addition, the report includes information on reporting on the activities to implement the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, in accordance with the guidelines of the Communication on Progress (CoP), the recommendations contained in the publication of the World Economic Forum - Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation and information on the organization's contribution to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The report has once again been subject to independent, external verification.
Żabka Group Responsibility Report for 2022 is available electronically:
Responsibility Report 2023