Platinum medal for Żabka in the EcoVadis 2022 rating!
Żabka among the 1% of companies in the world that best integrate non-financial factors (ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance) into their strategies and operations.
Żabka Polska, fulfilling its strategic obligations, continues the EcoVadis certification, started in 2020. Based on the results obtained earlier, Żabka developed a plan to professionalize the company's activities, which thanks to the cooperation and involvement of many departments, was successfully implemented in the organization. As a result of the changes introduced, already in the second certification process Żabka received platinum - the highest possible - award. Thus, Żabka Polska is among the 1% of companies in the world that best integrate ESG factors into their strategies and operations
- We are proud of the platinum medal awarded by EcoVadis. We have achieved this result through a professional approach to sustainable development. In Żabka, the Responsibility Strategy is an integral part of our business strategy and a point of reference when making key decisions – says Anna Grabowska,Vice President of the Management Board for Consumer Strategies at Żabka Group.
The Żabka responsibility strategy is based on four pillars: sustainable lifestyle, positive impact on the environment, responsible organization and green planet (more about strategy: Home - Raport Odpowiedzialności Żabka Polska ( Thanks to the cooperation of many people from different departments of Żabka, the company managed to achieve a high increase in EcoVadis rating from year to year, thanks to which Żabka recorded a leap from bronze to platinum and was among the 1% of the best rated companies in the world. To date, more than 75,000 companies from more than 160 countries in the world, representing around 200 industries, have been verified by EcoVadis
Żabka has proven how seriously it takes its commitments contained in the responsibility report "Conveniently and Responsibly", improving its rating in every dimension - environment, workplace and human rights, ethics or responsible shopping. In the topic of carbon footprint management, Żabka is a leader, with best-in-class carbon footprint management and reduction targets validated and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative
EcoVadis ( is one of the world's most trusted providers of sustainability ratings for enterprises. Backed by a powerful technology platform and a global team of multidisciplinary experts, EcoVadis' easy-to-use and practical sustainability scorecards provide a detailed insight into environmental, social and ethical risks for more than 200 industries in over 160 countries.

Responsibility Report 2023