12 Jun 2023 23:12PM

    Żabka is a partner of the "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business" degrees course in TEB Education

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    Żabka is a partner of the "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business" degrees course in TEB Education

    Żabka Polska, together with the nationwide network of post-secondary schools TEB Education, which has branches in 46 cities, has created a curriculum for the "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business”. The degree course is conducted online. During the classes, participants will gain knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, finance, and marketing and acquire soft skills (e.g. team management). The initiative is implemented under the Entrepreneurship Study program run by Żabka chain.

    We are developing several educational initiatives dedicated to entrepreneurship. We share our expertise and many years of experience, including with young people. Entrepreneurship is an attitude that is not only useful in work and your own business but is also extremely valuable daily, in other areas of life. You can develop these predispositions, or you can strengthen individual skills in the educational process, in areas like the one that we have developed together with TEB Education. This will enable future entrepreneurs to build their business more consciously in the chosen model – stresses Przemysław Kijewski, COO in Żabka Polska. 

    "ABC Business - The Basics of its Own Business" is a ten-month (two-semester) course implemented online. During the course, participants will gain knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, finance, and running their own business. In addition, they will gain the ability to create a business plan, build brand image and conduct marketing campaigns. During the classes, modules in the scope of building teams and selecting the model of running your own business (including franchise as one of the safest business models) will be realized.

    Among the lecturers, there will be employees and collaborators of Żabka, including Jacek Urbański - Manager for Development Training in Żabka Polska, and Mikołaj Szyc - Acceleration Specialist from Żabka Future.

    In the network of TEB Education schools we teach over 90 courses in a wide variety of industries (including cosmetics, medical, veterinary, and Art & Design). In response to the needs of people who are interested in starting their own business and thanks to cooperation with Żabka Polska, the degree course "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business" was created. In the process of creating the above-mentioned course, the practical experience of one of the largest franchisors in the country and the nearly thirty-year experience of TEB Education in education adapted both to the expectations of the listeners and to the needs of the labor market were used. Thanks to the classes with apprenticeships, students will have the opportunity to use solutions proven in real market conditions –says Julita Plura-Broniszewska, Product Manager in TEB Education.

    The graduates will receive a certificate of the training course "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business", a certificate issued based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science, as well as a diploma of completion of the course signed by TEB Education and Żabka Polska.

    You can subscribe to the course "ABC Business - The Basics of Your Own Business" at: https://teb.pl/kierunki/d/abc-biznesu-podstawy-wlasnej-dzialalnosci-online/

    Żabka for entrepreneurship education

    In 2022, the chain set up an Entrepreneurship Study program aimed primarily at young people, including university students and governmental and non-governmental organizations. Within this framework, Żabka has established cooperation with several universities or local Incubators of Entrepreneurship. The study includes full-time and online classes conducted by Żabka experts from various business areas. It aims to develop knowledge about entrepreneurship and to build knowledge about running own business, among others in the student community. Last year, the chain carried out cooperation with 14 universities and a post-secondary school, among them the University of Economics in Poznań, the University of Entrepreneurship and Administration in Lublin, the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business in Warsaw, the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, the University of Białystok, the University of Economics in Wrocław, the Old Polish Academy of Applied Sciences in Kielce or the Koszalin University of Technology. This year, the chain continues its cooperation with selected universities, including the Incubators of Entrepreneurship of the Business Academy in Wrocław, the University of Economics in Poznań, and the Higher School of Entrepreneurship and Administration in Lublin.

    Żabka trains franchisees

    The chain is also strongly committed to educating its franchisees. Last year, it established the "Academy of Entrepreneurship" - it aims to improve the skills of entrepreneurs cooperating with the chain in the scope of running a store, managing a team, or commercial competencies. The project is conducted as part of a Strategic Partnership with the Faculty of Management of the Warsaw University of Technology and Monika Ferreira, author of the Franczyza 2.0 project and methodology for building network systems, Founding Partner in the practice of strategic consulting I'GS In Good Strategy. At the end of the project, the franchisees - participants in the project, receive a special certificate.

    In the recruitment process, new entrepreneurs join the chain and receive several days of training in the coaching shop, tailored to their individual needs and knowledge. Various topics are addressed, including management, sales, finance, customer service, human resources, and IT. Franchisees then use a special development platform, including training and webinars to improve their knowledge and business or management skills. They also benefit from the Coach and Training Partner's care.


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