Żabka Group awarded the PTG Azimuth in the category "Social Engagement"
Żabka Group received the Azymut PTG, an award given by the Polish Economic Society. The company was honoured in the "Social Engagement" category, for its systematic and effective work for the local community. The justification also noted that Żabka operates in a sustainable manner and with care for the environment.
- Żabka has not only achieved significant and visible business success but has also demonstrated an exceptional and sustained commitment to supporting the community and activities for the general good. The main aspect that deserves attention is the systematic and effective work of Żabka for the benefit of the local community (...) It is also worth emphasizing that Żabka operates sustainably and cares for the environment. The business practices it adopts are aimed at minimizing its negative impact on nature, which is an important contribution to the long-term development of the economy and society. In addition, Żabka actively engages its employees in social activities, which builds a strong sense of community within the company. Through volunteer programs, supporting employees to get involved in momentous projects, Żabka creates a work environment based on social values," the award's justification says.
The PTG Azimuths in seven categories were presented on February 3 this year in Warsaw, during the Entrepreneurs' Ball of the Polish Economic Society. The award was received on behalf of Żabka Group by Damian Rybak, Head of Franchisee Development & Support.
Żabka Group's Social Engagement Strategy
In recent years, Żabka Group has revised its approach to social engagement, defining areas of importance to local communities and emphasizing activities that contribute to real and long-term change. The adopted Social Engagement Strategy is based on three pillars and supports the implementation of the five UN Sustainable Development Goals, i.e.: Good Health and Well-being, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reduced Inequalities.
Under the first pillar - "Well-being" - the company encourages employees to engage in physical activity, engages in the organization of sports initiatives and popularizes a healthy lifestyle. The second pillar - "Neighborhood" - includes activities aimed at supporting local communities. Each employee has the opportunity to dedicate eight hours of work per month to volunteer activities. The company not only provides employees with a variety of volunteer opportunities (including a forest planting campaign, cleaning up green squares, renovating the park at the Provincial Hospital in Poznań, or caring for animals in shelters), but also encourages them to find local initiatives they could support on their own. Żabka is also eager to get involved in various charitable and social actions. The third pillar is "Equal Opportunities", which includes the "Good Internship at Żabka" program.

Responsibility Report 2023