Żabka with the best sustainability report
The "Conveniently and Responsibly" 2020 report by Żabka Polska won the main prize in the category "Sustainable Development Report" in a competition organized by the Association of the Responsible Business Forum and Deloitte. A jury panel composed of renowned experts and experts in the field, among others, of economics, environmental and social affairs, judged the Żabka report to be clear and comprehensible, clearly showing the mission, development vision and ESG strategy of the company. The judges also appreciated the precisely described business model and practical Executive Summary. The winning report is a collaborative effort involving representatives from many departments and areas of the company, as well as a wide range of external stakeholders.
Żabka Polska has consistently worked for sustainable life in harmony with the planet, for everyone and every day. The "Conveniently and Responsibly" Responsibility Report not only comprehensively summarizes the difficult year 2020, but also refers to the model of value creation, strategy and future of the company. It uniquely presents the principles of the new Żabka Group Responsibility Strategy, which is fully integrated into the business strategy. The strategy framework has given structure to the publication - chapters clearly correspond to pillars and strategic areas. Through clear infographics, key disclosures and time-based, measurable targets and commitments have been quantified based on baseline 2020 indicator calculations. The report also outlines the company's activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also identifies key trends with information on how Żabka is meeting them and how it intends to respond to them in the future.
For the purpose of the publication, Żabka conducted internal and external evaluation of the relevance of ESG issues based on surveys of employees, franchisees and customers, enhanced through individual in-depth interviews. The report itself was prepared in accordance with the international standard of non-financial reporting, namely GRI Standards CORE version. It is also based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the recommendations contained in the publication of the World Economic Forum – "Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation”.
The report was prepared in 2 language versions, in print, on-line and mobile formats. In addition, an abridged version of the document was developed in 2 language versions and delivered, among others, to all franchisees of the Żabka chain.
The Sustainable Development Reports competition (formerly the Social Reports Competition) has rewarded the best-drafted CSR and sustainability reports for 15 years every year. The honorary patrons of this year's edition of the competition are: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy and Ministry of Development and Technology. The initiative also included: Moreover, the Federation of Consumers, Warsaw Stock Exchange, National Chamber of Commerce and Association of Stock Issuers assumed patronage over the initiative.
Link to the 2020 Responsibility Report: https://raportodpowiedzialnosci.zabka.pl/
Responsibility Report 2023