Our decarbonisation mission
To conduct a smooth transition towards decarbonisation, the work of many people at various levels of the organization and beyond is needed, which is why in the coming years we want to focus on building engagement and cooperation. We believe that the key to success is sustainable and collective action. Our business partners play a key role in the realization of our mission, therefore we count on active engagement in building cooperation based on common values, principles and trust. We believe that only in this way can our activity bring real change and enable the conduct of responsible business and the achievement of common decarbonisation goals.
On this page, you will find all the relevant information about the goals, current actions and results related to decarbonisation in the Żabka Group, as well as an extensive educational subpage explaining complex terms and issues of decarbonisation. We also want to inform here about the introduced regulatory changes and their impact on the activities of our company in the context of business partners.
Our goals and ambitions
We will reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2026 compared to 2020 (excluding offset).
Target expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e).
In addition to continuing projects such as fleet electrification or the development of dedicated transport, we also plan to explore the subject of zero-emission warehouses and try to implement some of the solutions in our Logistics Centers.
We will reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of our Scope 3 stores by 70% by 2026.
The target expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) per m PLN of CNS's net revenue.
Energy efficiency projects (Photovoltaics, Zero Heating Doors) will continue to be implemented in our stores.
We will engage business partners responsible for 75% of purchasing expenditures in the area of products and services to set science based reduction targets by the end of 2026.
In the coming years, our greatest ambition is to intensify the involvement of suppliers in reducing the carbon footprint of their value chain. Category 1 Scope 3 emissions account for 73% of an organization's total emissions, making it extremely important. Due to the extension of the SBTi requirements to include emissions from the new FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture) category, we are also working on revising the decarbonisation strategy to adequately address this change.
Our activities
Together with business partners for sustainable development - fair business brunch
Effective development of cooperation with our business partners is possible through sharing knowledge and mutual inspiration. That is why we organized the first fair business brunch – a meeting within the fair business platform – thus creating a space for exchanging best practices and discussing common challenges in a select group of our business partners.
In the context of decarbonisation, cooperation is of exceptional importance, especially when it comes to reducing Scope 3 emissions. At Żabka, besides aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity in stores by 70% in Scope 3 (base year 2020), we also strive to involve our business partners in the fight against climate change. We want to engage 75% of them in setting scientifically validated decarbonisation targets. Therefore, we asked experts from the companies we collaborate with daily and Żabka representatives to present best practices and inspirations in the field of decarbonisation. Representatives from Microsoft, Carlsberg, Stock Spirits, and Maspex shared their experiences with the invited group.
The meeting focused on decarbonisation, but issues of ethical and sustainable supply chains also accompanied the discussions. In this context, particular attention was paid to the Code of Conduct for Żabka Polska Business Partners and the Human Rights Policy for Business Partners. We aim for 100% compliance of our partners with the first of these documents by 2026. To achieve this ambitious goal, we offer our suppliers substantive support and recommend that they undergo ethical audits. By aligning with our Code of Conduct, we can ensure that our partners also create value sustainably and with care for the planet.
We believe that developing further cooperation and joining forces with our partners will allow us to create a fair business together!
Learn more about SBTi
Żabka Polska is the first company in Poland whose goals for reducing greenhouse gases have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. SBTi is a joint, international initiative of CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), UNGC (United Nations Global Compact), WRI (World Resources Institute) and WWF (World Wildlife Fund).
What is the role of SBTi?
SBTi helps companies determine how much and how quickly they need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to be in line with the requirements of the latest climate research. The organization’s primary goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, in accordance with the Paris Agreement of 2015.
Why join SBTi?
Approval of a decarbonization strategy by SBTi is a highly respected commitment in business and is sought by all companies wanting to be a leader in sustainable development in their industry. As a company that wants to minimise its negative impact on the environment, we are constantly looking for solutions to help us do this while also tackling climate change - we are working on reducing energy consumption, looking for low- and zero-emission energy sources, testing innovative green technologies and encouraging our consumers to make planet-friendly choices.
What does the SBTi application process look like?
- Commitment - submission of a letter declaring the intention to set a science-based goal within 2 years of sending the commitment;
- Creation of a decarbonization strategy - in accordance with SBTi criteria;
- Verification - submission of an application and validation of the goal by SBTi;
- Communication - public announcement of goals and informing stakeholders;
- Disclosure - annual publication of the organization’s emissions and progress towards achieving goals.
What are the next steps after validating the goals?
In addition to working on the implementation of the strategy and achieving the goals, it is necessary to monitor the requirements of SBTi, as they are regularly updated and expanded. Examples of significant changes in criteria:
- Change of minimum ambition of goals from ‘well below 2°C’ to 1.5°C which results in, among other things, an increase in the minimum annual emission reduction from scope 1 and 2 to 4.2% per year;
- Inclusion of FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture) group emissions in the reporting scope
Significant changes in the way the organization’s emissions are reported should also be confronted with SBTi guidelines, as they may affect the status of goal acceptance:
- Change of allocation of the emission group to another scope;
- Changes in operational control within the organization.
Our Policies
Our progress
What else can we improve together
Responsibility Report 2023