We make a positive impact with entrepreneurs on the economy.
Our approach:
Supply chain management approach
Responsibility is a value permanently embedded in the DNA of the Żabka Group. As a company that cooperates with over 500 trade suppliers, including nearly 70 own brand product suppliers we feel responsible not only for the processes taking place in our own operations, but for our entire supply chain. Our efforts in the area of supply chain are also a response to, both buyers of goods and services and investors' expectations, as well as they support us in securing sustainable financing.
We believe that running a business in a sustainable way requires an in-depth analysis of the value chain and the courses of action determined on this basis. That’s why in 2022 we have conducted the analysis of our supply chain based on our suppliers’ turnover data in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, and we have identified business areas where risks related to human rights and environment are most likely to be present and most significant.
We gathered information to understand high-level risks of adverse impacts related to sectors the company operates in, geography or company-specific risk factors, and we assessed the nature and extent of actual and potential impacts throughout our operations and suppliers supporting our business performance across the supply chain, divided by the type of expenditure or a nature of product or service delivered.
As a result of these analyses, we have developed key tools that support us in maintaining a sustainable value chain – our Business Partners must respect our Code of Conduct for Business Partners and Human Rights Policy for Business Partners. Both documents are based on internationally recognised law rules and ethical standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Organization Conventions, and other relevant international agreements.
In addition to these two documents, we distinguish other tools that reinforce our sustainable value chain, such as Legal clauses in contracts with suppliers obligating them to be compliant with the Code and the Human Rights Policy and a number of publicly available policies that set our ambitions in terms of sourcing raw materials affecting the environment in our value chain. The Water Resources Policy, Waste Management Policy, Biodiversity Policy, Sustainable Palm Oil Policy, Animal Welfare Policy, Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Plant Raw Materials and Sustainable Fishing of Fish and Seafood, Plastic Circularity Policy, Ecodesign Policy, and Food Waste Policy contain time-bound goals related to our own operations, our franchisees and Own Brand suppliers and subsequently also branded product suppliers. More information about our approach and the achievement of goals is available here.
We are aware that good cooperation should be based on mutual support and sharing of good practices. Fair business is a business that creates value in a sustainable way and with respect for the natural environment. This is also how we want to cooperate with our business partners and support each other in sustainable development. That's why we've created an online platform for sharing experiences, inspirations, initiatives and joint actions for sustainable development, and we encourage all our suppliers to subscribe to it and create fair business with us.
What does a sustainable value chain mean to us?
Nasze polityki w tym obszarze:

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners is a set of rules that shape the company’s relationships with its surrounding community. In addition to laying grounds for our cooperation and setting standards, it defines ambitions and directions of development that Żabka Polska intends to follow together with its business partners.

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that our Business Partners adhere to internationally recognised human rights standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Organization Conventions, and other relevant international agreements.

Żabka Polska wants to address significant social challenges in a conscious and responsible manner and positively influence various stakeholder groups. In accordance with the adopted Social Engagement Strategy, three pillars have been set to ensure the fulfillment of the above commitment.
Our progress in 2023
Żabka will soon reach a milestone of 9,000 franchisees, who operate their stores in all corners of Poland. New franchisees can expect comprehensive support, including a fully equipped store, training, innovative solutions such as the OptiPlan programme and the Cyberstore app and the opportunity to operate stores in various modern formats. The results of the Franchise Satisfaction Survey, conducted in December 2023, made us very happy: we have achieved the highest level of franchisee satisfaction not only in the last two years, but also since the beginning of these measurements! 44% of franchisees rated the cooperation as 9 or 10. Żabka also expands its service offerings by partnering with WoshWosh to offer shoe cleaning and repair. Żabka encourages customers to prioritize shoe repair over purchasing new ones.
We believe in sustainable and collaborative action, engaging our business partners in building a partnership based on shared values, principles and trust. this is the only way our business can bring real change and enable responsible business and value creation for our customers. To strengthen our collaboration we introduced a Fair business online platform, where we support and communicate on various shared projects. We regularly gather feedback as part of the dialogue. We obtained first place in the nationwide satisfaction study (NFS), ahead of the 20 retail chains participating. Moreover, we received the Grand Prize ‘Retailer of the Year 2023 – Chosen by Suppliers’ in the category Small Format/Convenience Chain and special award Sustainable Retailer of the Year.
We are creating an environment of innovation and experience-sharing with scientific institutions, business incubators and business partners. In 2023 we selected 5 innovative startups for Żabka Future Lab accelerator programme: Clevon, Farada Group, Perfect Data, Alphamoon, and MuchSkills. The selected startups will benefit from a tailored acceleration path, testing their solutions in Żabka stores, autonomous Żabka Nano stores, and with our logistics partners. They will receive mentorship from over 30 experts working at Żabka Group.
Selected activities in 2023

Putting entrepreneurship at the heart of franchisee education
Putting entrepreneurship at the heart of franchisee education
March 2023 was a notable moment in the history of Żabka Group. This was when we launched the Entrepreneurship Academy, aiming to bring the company’s franchisees all the sales, financial, organisational and people-management expertise they need to make a success of their stores.
We run it in partnership with franchise-market experts and the Warsaw University of Technology’s Faculty of Management, which confirms the Academy operates in line with the widely adopted Franchise 2.0 model. The initiative is now set to be an essential part of the training we offer our franchise partners.
Shared knowledge and personal development
In this first iteration of the scheme, close to 70 franchisees participated in nearly 200 classroom-based events and more than 60 online sessions designed to teach them the entrepreneurial skills involved in running a store. As well as formal learning, the Academy also gave participants the opportunity to exchange insights, share knowledge with one another, and to leverage opportunities for personal development and self-realisation.
The programme was very well received, delivering clear improvements in participants’ knowledge and skills across multiple areas of expertise, from business management to HR, customer relations, planning and budgeting. Before completing the course, all students not only had to pass every module – they also had to take a final test and prepare the so-called Entrepreneurship Development Map – an individual entrepreneurial growth proposal for their franchise.
According to trainer and Żabka franchisee Beata Świerczyńska, “It’s extremely important that the company invests in such ventures, helping to ensure that people with a wide range of backgrounds and needs get all the support they need on their franchising journey.”
Grasping every improvement opportunity
Following completion, participants received a certificate marking their successful participation at a special event during September at the Warsaw University of Technology. In the words of Eryk Głodziński, Ph.D., Professor of the Academy and deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management at the university, “We received many warm words about the Academy, its usefulness in running a business, and its importance in personal development.”
Now, as part of ‘business as usual’, we carry out regular surveys and interviews with participants to ensure we’re taking every opportunity to improve the programme further.
This was not the only major step we took forward in upskilling our franchisees during 2023. We also decided to extend the initiative to cover all aspiring franchisees. Until now, all new franchisees have received 'entrepreneurial basics' training. For 15 days, they gained knowledge in areas such as HR, sales, finance, taxes, management and customer service. From now on, everyone joining the franchise will be covered by an extensive training programme of the Entrepreneurship Academy, which will allow them to explore entrepreneurship and running their own business in more depth.
In addition, we’re providing access for all franchise employees to our special educational platform for franchisees, which includes knowledge and information resources, news, training courses and webinars.

Taking steps to combat disability discrimination
Taking steps to combat disability discrimination
At Żabka, we’ve long been active across many fronts to help ensure that we and all our franchisees are sensitive to the particular needs of people with disabilities. Our ambition is to gradually adapt our stores to their requirements, in term of access, communication, product range and more.
This is one reason why we became a strategic partner of the Avalon Foundation in 2023, helping to support the charity’s mission of enabling people with disabilities to lead independent and active lives. Another reason is this statement by the Avalon Foundation’s General Director, Krzysztof Dobies, with which we wholeheartedly agree: ‘Disability does not make people less valuable, less important or worse. Every person is first and foremost a human being, and disability is one of the many traits that make up the fullness of personality.’
We see this partnership as a key step in our journey to help improve the quality of life for the 5 to 7 million people in Poland with various disabilities, many of whom experience regular discrimination in many areas of life.
‘I Respect. I Do Not Discriminate’
Participating in the Foundation’s ‘I Respect. I Do Not Discriminate’ campaign was part of the company’s action to make our stores even more friendly for people with disabilities. With over 10,000 stores, we are highly aware of the positive impact we can make by combating discrimination against disabled people.
And when the Avalon Foundation designated May 2023 as the ‘Month of Fighting Discrimination against People with Disabilities’, we were ready to take positive action on many fronts – both instore and in the wider world.
For example, we commissioned Jakub Stanisławczyk – who has been deaf since birth and is strongly committed to breaking down barriers between hearing and deaf people – to appear in all our TV advertising during May and June 2023, making it more accessible to people with hearing issues by translating all speech into Polish sign language.
Understanding individual needs
We also worked hard, to ensure all our franchisees understand the particular needs of those with disabilities, publishing articles and hosting a webinar to highlight some of the challenges they face in their day-to-day lives. The input of one of our franchisees, Paweł Błachowicz, was essential in this work.
Paweł, who has been running two of our stores for the last six years, is a wheelchair user. And he believes that working with Żabka Group is a very realistic opportunity for people in his situation. He believes, in fact, that at least 90% of any problems that might arise in running a store have nothing to do with a lack of physical capacity.
As he says, ‘Żabka provides a truly safe and convenient opportunity for people with disabilities. It has adapted the premises to suit my needs, including easy toilet access and the ability to manage the store remotely. For example, the Cyberstore app means I can order goods remotely, receiving them directly to the store without having to drive anywhere. And if something breaks, I report it and Żabka service team comes to fix it.’
Wider participation
While participation in the campaign marked the start of our collaboration with the Avalon Foundation, it is not the only charitable effort to support people with disabilities in which we are involved.
For example, also in May 2023, close to 130 employees and franchisees took part – many with their families – in the international Wings for Life run that raises money for research into spinal injuries. Quite simply, participants run as far as they can before being overtaken by the judges’ car. Our team came a highly creditable 68th out of nearly 1,500 teams, clocking up close to 1,200km between them.
That represents many steps on the way to combating disability discrimination.

Good Internship in Żabka address social-exclusion risks for young people

Good Internship in Żabka address social-exclusion risks for young people
We have now operated the ‘Good Internship in Żabka’ programme for seven years, running it in partnership with the Independent Robinsons Foundation to help young people at risk of social exclusion gain professional experience through paid internships at our stores. The programme takes a strategic approach based on Social Engagement Strategy and supports the implementation of 5 of the UN SDGs.
Today, the numbers of people the programme has helped are impressive: our 280 participants have clocked up more than 220,000 hours between them in internships lasting between two weeks and three months.
A better quality of life
According to Katarzyna Przewęzikowska, Manager of the External Relations and CSR Team at Żabka Polska, ‘As part of our Social Involvement Strategy, we take part in many actions aimed at ensuring a better quality of life for local communities, including equalizing opportunities in the labor market. Thanks to the ‘Good Internship in Żabka’ program, young people at risk of social exclusion have a chance to gain their first professional experience. Our mentors – franchisees are eager to get involved in this program, sharing their knowledge and skills with interns’
In the programme, we provide training to those franchisees who want to get involved as mentors, enabling them to share their knowledge and skills with our interns. Each internship is supervised by a representative from the Independent Robinsons Foundation, ensuring the positive and supportive environment.
Preparing for employment
As Anna Żelazowska-Kosiorek, Leader of programs implemented by the Independent Robinsons Foundation adds ‘Thanks to cooperation with franchisees all over Poland, young people learn what work is, develop communication skills, learn responsibility, and build their confidence.’
This year, a film about the programme, produced by Żabka and the Independent Robinsons Foundation, won a Bronze Shield at the SDG-themed ’17 Goals’ Responsible Film Festival. The jury commented positively on the film’s aesthetics approach and how it presented its focus on important social issues in a moving and inspiring way.

Partnerships for positive change
Partnerships for positive change

We comply with the best standards

We comply with the best standards
To maintain the highest standards in the areas of food safety management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management and energy management, we have implemented and maintain standards consistent with ISO 22000 (since 2015), 14001 (since 2018), 45001 and 50001 (since 2019). The procedures and solutions implemented as part of the Integrated Management System guarantee our effectiveness in the areas covered by the standards mentioned above, which was confirmed in 2023 by over 70 internal audits and the re-extension of certificates by an accredited unit.
We expect our suppliers to implement and certify quality and food safety management systems. A business partner who has not implemented such a system or is a supplier of own brand products shall be qualified, in accordance with the Quality Qualification Manual in place, as a high-risk supplier and may cooperate with us only after undergoing a qualification audit whose assessment criteria are equivalent to the requirements of international standards for quality management and food safety. In the case of suppliers of own brand products who have implemented their own quality procedures, we shall audit their effectiveness before establishing a business relationship.
In 2023, we conducted 24 qualifications audits — 22 suppliers passed them successfully. We also periodically verify compliance with quality standards by means of announced and unannounced verification audits — in 2023, we carried out 95 audits of this nature. 10 suppliers were obliged to establish a remediation plan addressing the deficiencies identified. Those entities shall be subject to an audit ensuring that the corrective actions set out in the remediation plan have been implemented. We are also conducting qualification audits with regard to suppliers of producers’ brand products. The audit procedures revealed that 19 of them receive a positive result.
If any complaints are submitted or improper product quality is reported, we perform intervention audits at our business partners - in 2023, such audits accounted for 6,7% of all audits performed among suppliers of own brand products, and for 0,67% of audits conducted among suppliers of producers’ brand products. The introduction of additional controls is a response to the challenge of ensuring the highest quality of the food produced and is intended to reduce the number of recalls caused by quality defects. In 2023, we recorded 3 (dotyczące 4 produktów) such events — all of them related to producers’ brand products.
In our stores and distribution centres, we also maintained the Safety and Hygiene+ certification system which we created, as the first chain of stores, together with TÜV Nord Poland. The system covers also suppliers of our own labels and franchisees operating stores under the Żabka brand. During the verification process, such areas as approach to safety and hygiene management in production processes, organisation’s crisis management, requirements for subcontractors, infrastructure and the environment, are verified. Conformity assessment is performed by auditing documentation, as well as production and storage premises, in order to verify the implementation of processes and to introduce crisis management procedures. The level of the employees’ awareness and their attitude are evaluated as well. In 2023, such reassessment and certification were performed at 58 of our own brand suppliers.
To ensure that we properly secure data in the organization, we decided to implement the ISO 27001 standards - an international standard regarding the requirements for creating, maintaining and developing information security management systems. Being aware of the importance of the information used and processed by the Company, we implement organizational and technical safeguards to ensure its protection. At the same time, being open to new solutions, we believe that ISO27001 certification naturally fits into our company's policy of maintaining credibility towards our clients, franchisees and contractors.

Helping young people’s entrepreneurship dreams come true

Helping young people’s entrepreneurship dreams come true
During 2023, we significantly extended the scope of the Entrepreneurship Study Programme we first launched in 2022 with the aim of helping young people learn a range of invaluable business disciplines.
According to Żabka Polska COO Przemysław Kijewski, ‘Entrepreneurship is an extremely important area that is worth developing from an early age. As various studies or analyses show, a large part of society is perceived as not very entrepreneurial, while at the same time dreaming of running their own business.’
Leading academic partners
Targeting participants from a broad scope of backgrounds, ranging from university students to those in non-formal education, we initially ran the programme in partnership with some of the best-known academic institutions from across Poland, including 14 universities and one post-secondary school.
Other partners included several local entrepreneurship incubators and NGOs as we collectively launched a wide-ranging programme of classroom and online classes. Specialists from our own Development Training Department primarily delivered the main content, with a focus on different aspects of entrepreneurship, including essential soft skills and the franchise business model.
The programme also included a series of Open Days with Żabka, where we talked to many interested young people about how the franchise system works and Żabka’s own operations.
Exciting and significant
We developed the programme further in 2023, with several new partnerships with careers offices and other organisations with an interest in developing entrepreneurship in Poland, including among students. But perhaps the most exciting and significant development has been the creation of an online course for those interested in starting their own business. Called ‘ABC Business – The Basics of your Own Business’, we’ve launched it hand-in-hand with TEB Education, the nationwide network of post-secondary schools.
This 10-month programme delivers knowledge across all the essentials of creating a successful business, from developing a business plan to finance, team building, creating a brand image and delivering marketing campaigns. Once again, experts from Żabka are closely involved in delivering the course’s content. On completion, participants receive official documentation including a diploma signed by TEB Education and Żabka , as well as a certificate based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science.
We have more activities coming to ensure that entrepreneurial knowledge is widely available. Soon, the open-access free educational portal of the Entrepreneurship Study will be launched, making entrepreneurship education even more accessible. The portal will provide content aimed at everyone who is interested in running a business or is already running one and wants to develop with our guidance.

Supporting the best young artists, athletes and scientists

Supporting the best young artists, athletes and scientists
2023 saw the 12th time that we at Żabka ran our special programme to help the most gifted children of our franchisees, employees and co-workers develop their interests and talents.
A key part of our Żabka Scholarship Program, the initiative identifies young artists, athletes and scientists at primary schools, technical colleges and high schools whose skills and achievements stand out from those of their peers.
Skills, creativity and determination
During the year, 73 young people applied for scholarships, which provide annual financial support of PLN10,000 to help successful applicants cover the costs of developing their passion. During the selection process, every candidate was required to demonstrate their skills, creativity, determination, commitment to their discipline, and sheer hard work.
Ultimately, out of an extremely talented group, 22 amazing young people were selected: 14 athletes, 5 artists and 3 scientists.
Thanks to the granted funds, our scholarship recipients are able to participate in sports training, workshops and development camps, as well as purchase a new musical instrument or other materials necessary to further improve their skills and develop their passions.
Educational and personal development
According to Jolanta Bańczerowska, Żabka Group’s Chief People Officer, ‘Our focus on educational and personal development involves providing help where it’s needed most. We’re very proud to be able to support these exceptional young people, who have all worked hard for their scholarships, showing outstanding skills and achievements along the way. We very much hope the scholarships mean they’ll able to develop their skills with greater freedom.’

Ensuring the skills, success and diversity of our franchisee network

Ensuring the skills, success and diversity of our franchisee network
During 2023, we welcomed the 8,000th franchisee to join the Żabka network, Izabela Wilgos with experience working in the banking sector, by opening her store in Dobieszowice became one of the 60% of our franchisees who are female.
Allied with our focus on supporting older people (10% of franchisees are over 50 years old) and Ukrainian citizens to develop their own businesses within the Żabka ecosystem, this emphasises our commitment to encouraging diversity among the entrepreneurial characters who form our fast-growing network.
As a result, our network comprises franchisees of 14 different nationalities, and over 5,600 women, as well as people from widely differing working backgrounds, education levels, age profiles and marital or family status.
One essential factor unifies our approach to all of them: that our franchise system is designed to always help eliminate all the potential dangers associated with running one’s own business. Our integrated approach therefore focuses on several different areas of risk, with the flexibility to intensify support for those franchisees who have particular requirements.
Something that is always in place for all franchisees is our unique collective insurance, known as Business Policy, protecting them against potential failure. We also provide from day one free training and education services focused on running their own businesses, as well as comprehensive support in marketing, customer service, logistics and recruitment.
We additionally make sure that all new starters with us are given premises, tailored to the specific needs of each store, as well as a wide range of essential items including refrigeration units, display racks and computers loaded with the warehouse and accounting systems they will need.
All franchisees can offer their customers a wide range of convenient additional services, such as parcel delivery and collection, cash withdrawals, bill payments, ticket purchases and more. And they are provided with advanced solutions that streamline and simplify store management, including our Optiplan package with the Żabka Assistant and Cyberstore app.
There are also many special cases, when we typically provide additional services that take particular needs into account. For example, those franchisees operating in small towns or rural locations can receive special support including access to our ‘A car to start’ programme and a relocation package that includes monthly financial support.
We are also on a course of continuous improvement, constantly aiming to introduce new benefits and solutions to make franchising with Żabka an increasingly safe and attractive option. This is why so many older people see it as a viable option following on from their first career.
It’s also why we attract so many franchisees from abroad, seeking to make a new life in Poland. This is particularly important for Ukrainian citizens, who comprise our largest group of foreign nationals. We do everything we can to make onboarding as easy for them as possible, with the provision of Polish language tutorials and e-learning training courses. We also provide Ukrainian applicants with a franchise agreement in their native language to ensure they fully understand everything involved.

Building entrepreneurial skills for sustainable business advantage

Building entrepreneurial skills for sustainable business advantage
At Żabka, we have long been a committed supporter of programmes promoting education in business and entrepreneurship. During 2023, we moved this commitment to a new level as Strategic Partner to Global Entrepreneurship Week, which took place in towns and cities across Poland in November.
Launched at our headquarters in Poznań, we delivered a programme of events to share our 25 years’ experience of how to build a highly successful franchise business. As well as covering our approach to safety and security, the launch lectures also described educational initiatives including our Entrepreneurship Study Programme.
The week then went on to include multiple webinars and onsite discussion sessions focusing on subjects ranging from franchise business models to the essential roles of innovation and technology. We also ran open days across some of our stores in Warsaw, Zamość and Puławy, including recruitment booths at some of the meetings to provide information to any participants interested in finding out how to become a Żabka franchisee.
It is also part of our ongoing culture to help our employees and franchisees continuously improve their business and management skills. We therefore also participate in ongoing external educational programmes, including the ‘ABC Business – The Basics of Your Own Business’, as well as delivering a six-month onboarding initiative and continuous access to an educational platform for all our store operators.
We recognise that it’s in both their and our interests to support the business knowledge of these entrepreneurial individuals. Participating in initiatives such as Global Entrepreneurship Week is a wonderful opportunity to share our business experience.

Ongoing format innovation creates value for customers and franchisees

Ongoing format innovation creates value for customers and franchisees
An important aspect of Żabka Group’s role in society is to create value for our customers by responding to their needs, simplifying their lives and freeing up their time.
This is the thinking behind the launch of two innovative new store formats during 2023, both of which benefited from the insight and experience of our franchisees and will in due course offer them new opportunities for business development. In a parallel initiative, during the year we placed one of our autonomous Żabka Nano store, designed for locations with limited space or legal restrictions, at the Regional Hospital in Poznań.
New formats for convenience and comfort
The first of the new formats is Żabka Non Stop, a hybrid store in Warsaw that enables customers to shop around the clock. It offers a personalised human service during the day, and autonomous unattended shopping at night when shoppers can use a payment card or the Żappka mobile app with Żappka Pay. The new format offers customers a wide range of private-label products, including ready meals, sandwiches, juices, freshly ground coffee and much more.
The other new concept, Żabka Drive, was piloted in Piaseczno. It enables people to pick up an extended range of snacks known from Żabka Café, such as hot dogs, nuggets with fries, paninis, shakes and Italian ice cream, all this without having to leave their cars. Those who want to take a break from their journeys, of course, also have the option to sit, eat and rest in our dining space before getting back on the road.
Referring to these new concepts, Adam Manikowski, EVP, Managing Director of Żabka Polska, reflects on where they fit into the overall development of the business. As he says, ‘Żabka Non Stop and Żabka Drive are the results of the path we have taken from small, traditional stores to a modern convenience ecosystem that delivers products and services to more than 3 million customers every day.’
An enriched hospital experience
Now the customers have access to Żabka convenience even when visiting hospital. The autonomous Żabka Nano store opened in Poznań’s Regional Hospital. Patients, visitors and employees are able to choose from a range of around 900 products at the 16m² site, including many private-label products such as our Szamamm ready-made dishes, Tomcio Paluch sandwiches, Foodini liquid snacks and more. Due to its hospital location, the store also offers an extensive range of hygiene products.
According to Hospital Director Piotr Nowicki, ‘The step is in line with our vision of providing high-quality services and reaching out to modern solutions. Having a Żabka Nano store means our non-medical offer will be enriched by a much-needed, friendly place at the highest European level.’
Read more about our store formats: Development of types of Żabka stores | Żabka Group

Christmas, crocuses and kids: delivering positive community action
Christmas, crocuses and kids: delivering positive community action
It’s an important part of our ethos at Żabka that social engagement is about far more than just words – above all, it’s about positive action. That’s why, as a key part of our focus on and around the communities where our people live and work, we enable all our employees to dedicate up to eight hours during work time to volunteering activities every month.
We naturally encourage people to engage in local initiatives with a positive social significance. We also offer advance and guidance to those who are keen to help but unsure of where to start. As another source of guidance, since 2021 we have defined those areas that are most important to local communities, and emphasised the activities that we believe contribute most to sustainable positive change.
Targeting what people need
As a result, the 150+ employees who collectively contributed more than 930 hours to volunteering during 2023 targeted their attention primarily on people and their needs, as well the environmental priorities in and around their communities.
And the sheer range of activities was extremely wide, embracing support for Ukrainian refugees, providing animal care and support for people with cancer. The two primary areas of focus, however, were on helping children in need and making a positive environmental difference.
For example, 36 Żabka volunteers gave their time to helping children at the Social Welfare Home at ul. Św. Rocha in Poznań, installing furniture donated by the company, renovating the kitchen and corridors, and gifting a wide range of nutritional and therapeutic items. In November, 50 employees took the time to package 600 Christmas parcels for children from across Poznań’s hospitals.
A focus on gingerbread
Gingerbread was the focus for three further special child-oriented schemes. In one of these, close to 40 of our people cooked around 70 trays of it, which is more than 400 biscuits, to donate to the My Wings Foundation (Fundacja Moje Skrzydła) who used it as part of their therapeutic work with children.
In another, our volunteers hosted workshops on decorating gingerbread for children being treated by the Cardiology Department at the Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in the Poznań University of Medical Sciences.
And in the third, as well as buying presents for children at the Markot Shelter for homeless women and single mothers, 15 volunteers organised a gingerbread baking and decorating session for them in the run-up to Christmas.

Franchisees at work in their own communities

Franchisees at work in their own communities
At Żabka , we are extremely proud of the many franchisees across our store network who find time away from the demanding occupation of running a shop to run charitable campaigns in the local communities.
We actively encourage our franchisees to get involved in efforts to help the most vulnerable members of their communities, but so many go far beyond any call of duty to make a real positive difference. It’s incredibly moving to hear some of the stories of amazing generosity and commitment that genuinely help people live richer, healthier and happier lives.
A shining example
One shining example is franchisee Artur Hasiński, based in Poznań, whose experience of personal tragedy has inspired him to help people suffering from oncological problems though his ‘Mam tę moc’ (‘I have the power’) Foundation. The foundation also supports educational, social and sports organisations, with a special focus on young athletes with talent but no means to develop it. In addition to all this, Artur has also become qualified as an addiction specialist, and now helps people who are struggling with alcoholism and other forms of addiction.
Many other examples are evident right across the store network, including a group of franchisees in Pabianice who for more than two years have been holding collections and auctions to support a girl with a long-term illness. In one recent event for her, they put up hot dogs for auction at a motorcycle picnic, with one selling for 100 PLN. To date, more than a third of the 3m PLN needed for her treatment has already been raised.
Helping families in need
Continuing the hot dog theme, a franchisee opening a new store in Mieścisko awarded 50 free hot dogs to the local football club, while several others from Chełm collaborated to donate free products to 50 local families in the greatest need.
Another example is Szlachetna Paczka (‘Noble Parcel’), an initiative carried out since 2001 in which franchisees running 12 stores across Żyrardów, Skierniewice, Parzniew and Kuklówka Radziejowicka help families in need. They also give customers the opportunity to help in any way they can. This sort of work is incredibly important in local communities. The many, many franchisees contributing to happier communities in this way are not only expressing the spirit of Żabka: they’re also an essential part of our continuing evolution together.
Selected activities
Putting entrepreneurship at the heart of franchisee education
Supporting the best young artists, athletes and scientists
Helping young people’s entrepreneurship dreams come true
Building entrepreneurial skills for sustainable business advantage
Good Internship in Żabka address social-exclusion risks for young people
Taking steps to combat disability discrimination
Christmas, crocuses and kids: delivering positive community action
Selected activities
Fair business
We have implemented the Code of Conduct for Business Partners
We have implemented the Human Rights Policy for Business Partners
What do partnership for positive change mean to us?
Supply chain management approach
What do partnership for positive change mean to us?
We make it easy for customers to change their habits for the better. read more >
We make a positive impact with entrepreneurs on the economy. read more >
We shape a purpose-led trusted organisation of empowered people. read more >
We minimise our environmental impact across the whole value chain. read more >

Responsibility Report 2023