30 Jul 2023 11:47AM

    This is the third time Żabka has rewarded the Masters of Quality!

    This is the third time Żabka has rewarded the Masters of Quality!

    3300 – as many franchisees of Żabka were awarded in the third edition of the competition „League of Quality Champions“. The financial envelope of the awards reached over PLN 6 million this time. The winner was determined by such factors as maintaining the highest standards of running stores, customer service, the availability of the facility, as well as the implementation of development training by franchisees. Throughout all editions, over 8000 entrepreneurs from all over Poland have received the rewards with a total value of PLN 16 million.

    At a time of intense competition and growing awareness and demand from customers, we should ensure that we provide them with the best possible buying experience. This is because they influence the rating and build a positive relationship with the brand. The orientation to customer experience is manifested, among other things, in the care to maintain high standards of store operation. This is the idea the franchisees cooperating with us identify with, as they rightly see this as building a competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs want to create a satisfactory buying experience, among others, by ensuring the best possible service, freshness, and availability of high-quality products. In the third edition of the program, almost 8 thousand franchisees focused on quality – together with their teams. We are happy to reward those who are most committed – emphasizes Przemysław Kijewski, COO at Żabka Polska.

    The recently completed edition was launched in January this year, while the Final Gala, during which the winners were announced, took place on July 19 this year.

    90% of the franchisees participated in the project, applying for the victory and the title of the Master of Quality in their Sales Regions. This title was won by 10 people who run stores under the green logo, and financial awards went to a total of 3,300 entrepreneurs. Their amount depended on the place where the franchisee was ranked in the Regional Ranking. For the first place, the Master of Quality received 15 thousand zlotys, for the second place – 13 thousand zlotys, and for the franchisees who took the third place – 10 thousand zlotys.

    I participated in the „League of Quality Champions“ project from the very beginning. I had the pleasure to be one of the winners twice – in the first and third editions. This is a joint success of my team and myself, but it would not be possible without satisfied, willing customers returning to us. I am very satisfied with the high rating my store received as part of the multi-factor verification by the chain. The great commitment on my part and the enthusiasm, diligence, attention to cleanliness, and high quality of service from my employees translated into the title of the Żabka Quality Master – emphasizes Ilona Franusik, a franchisee from Rajcza.

    The final ranking was based on the current score and verification of quality standards, which were constantly checked. The rating was based on such criteria as care for a high standard of service of the facilities, their accessibility to customers, as well as freshness of products or attractiveness of services. Over 90% of entrepreneurs participated in all editions of the program. This shows that proper attention to customers‘ needs and shopping experience translates directly into building bonds and loyalty among consumers, and this has a real impact on franchisees‘ financial performance.

    During the first part of the year, the chain carried out Regional Quality Rankings, separate for each Sales Region. The correctness of the competition was supervised by the Competition Commission, composed of representatives of, among others, the Sales Support Department and the Franchisee Development Department. During the program, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to participate in additional training directly related to the theme of the „League of Quality Champions“, including taking care of the store, customer service, or increasing sales.

    In the first and second editions of the „League of Quality Champions“ the prize pool amounted to PLN 5 million and reached in both cases 2,400 franchisees.


    ESG-Bericht 2023

    Die Żabka-Gruppe belegt Platz 2 im Ranking
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