What's new with us?
Frankly speaking.
- Franchise
- Partnership
- Żabka
- 2024
- Circular economy
- Transparency
- Nano
- Grupa Żabka
- Waste management
- Reporting
- Foodini
- Innovation
- Diversity
- jush
- Code of Conduct
- Retail chain
- Delio
- Maczfit
- Society
- Plant Hunter
- Digitization
- Opportunity
- 2023
- Decarbonization
- Artificial Intelligence
- Startup
- Technology
- Żabka Nano
- Food waste
- Services
- 2023
- 2022
- Żabka Future
- Values
- Żabka Nano
- 2021
- Modern convenience
- An inclusive organizational culture
- Żabka Nano
- AI
- Climate neutrality
- Climate change
- Żabka
- Partnership
- Sustainable development
- Jush
- Circularity
- Human rights
- Nutrition
- 2024
- Ethics
- Entrepreneurship
- Food
- 2024
Żabka Group' s activities are recognized by industry organisations and business partners, expressed through numerous awards and distinctions.
Other recognitions and awards received since 2021
- Zabka Group recognized as responsible employer.
- Żabka Group has been recognized as a laureate of the KOD ESG competition in the 'Governance, letter G' category.
- Żabka Group awarded with ODPOWIEDZIALNY PRACODAWCA - GRAND PRIX 2024 title.
- Żabka Group recognized as Friendly Workplace 2024.
- EcoVadis sustainability rating – Platinum Medal for Żabka Polska 2024.
- Żabka Group has been awarded the Best Quality Employer 2024 certification.
- Żabka Group has been recognized with the Green Leader Transformation title for developing and successfully implementing an ambitious decarbonization strategy.
- Żabka Group has been recognized by the Youth Entrepreneurship Foundation with the title of the Most Active Company on Entrepreneurship Day 2024.
- Żabka Group awarded with ESG Golden Leaf of Polityka.
- Retail Trends 2023 - Market of the Year in the small format category.
- Retail Trends 2023 - Market of the Year in the category: the most interesting assortment strategy.
- Retail Trends 2023 - Retail Business Awards 2024 in the Innovator of the Year category.
- Żabka Group the 2nd Most Loved Workplace in the world according to Newsweek US ranking TOP 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces.
- Żabka Group was awarded the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award for the second time in a row as a unique workplace on a global scale.
- Żabka Group awarded the title of Retailer of the Year in the following categories: Small format/convenience stores, Sustainable retailer of the year, Sustainability Awards in the Category Commercial for the “Porcja DobreGO!” program
- Żabka Group received an award for its activities for sustainable development.
- Żabka received the award for the Most Active Company in the "Entrepreneurship Day 2023" in the category of Nationwide Companies and Institutions. The award was presented at the Gala of the 20th Edition of "Entrepreneurship Day".
- Żabka was awarded the title of Trustworthy Brand in the "Women's Power" category. The award is given in a plebiscite organized by My Company.
- Żabka, a chain of modern convenience stores located throughout Poland, was recognized as the most innovative Polish company using artificial intelligence (AI) in a ranking prepared by the editors of the monthly magazine "Forbes".
- Żabka received honorable mentions in the Market of the Year 2023 competition organized by the editors of „Wiadomości Handlowe” (eng. Commercial News) in the "Small Format" and "Best Franchise Concept" categories. Żabka Nano, meanwhile, received the title of "The Most Innovative Concept."
- As part of the Retail Business Awards plebiscite, Tomasz Blicharski was awarded in the category of Retail Visionary.
- Tomasz Suchanski received the Hermes of Commerce Award in the category "Personality of Commerce" awarded by the editors of „Poradnik Handlowca" (eng. Trader’s Guide) and the Hermes Chamber of Commerce.
- Żabka Group is the first Polish organization with the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award 2023. Award recognizes the most engaging workplaces in the world.
- Winner of the “Supermen of Quality 2023” competition, organised by TÜV NORD Polska. Żabka Polska awarded 1st place in the “Safety” category.
- Żabka Polska took 4th place in the ranking of the best companies offering internships as part of the 20th edition of the Polish Business Roundtable program.
- Żabka Group was included in the Diversity Leaders 2024 ranking published by The Financial Times.
- At the Effie Poland Awards 2023 awards ceremony, Żabka was awarded twice: in the category of “Marketing&Business Solutions” for Kawonament service and in the category of “Retail” for “Głodny? Spróbuj!”.
- Im Wettbewerb IPMA THE BEST PMO Award 2023 gewann Żabka den zweiten Platz für „Einführung des Benefit-Management-Prozesses in den Projektlebenszyklus im Portfolio in Verbindung mit der Organisationsstrategie”
- As part of the “Innovation 2023” competition gala, Żabka received the title of “Innovation Leader 2023” for the implementation of GS1 Datamatrix codes in the network, which was recognized by the competition jury as an ambitious implementation with the greatest added value.
- As part of the “Innovation 2023” competition gala, Żabka received the title of “Innovation Leader 2023” for the implementation of GS1 Datamatrix codes in the network, which was recognized by the competition jury as an ambitious implementation with the greatest added value.
- During the Innovation 2023 competition gala, Żabu won gold in the Business Innovation category and bronze in the Communication Innovation category. Żabka took fourth place in the advertiser ranking.
- During the Marketing Director of the Year competition, the Żabka Group's External Relations and CSR Team received two distinctions in the special categories of Master of Communication & PR and Retail
- Marta Wrochna-Łastowska, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Żabka Group as the only woman honored in the "Best Financial Directors 2023" ranking prepared by the weekly "Gazeta Finansowa"
- Grand Prize “Retailer of the Year 2022 – Chosen by Suppliers” in the category Small Format/Convenience Chain and special award Sustainable Retailer of the Year, in the competition organised by the company European Conferences United.
- The Distinction Award in the Creators Ranking (original name: „Kreatorzy Polskiej Sceny Startupowej 2023”) for Żabka Group "for three different acceleration programs and efficient operation", in the "Organizations & Innovations" category.
- Złota Mangusta (eng. Golden Mangusta) – the Distinction Award "for outstanding contribution to the promotion of universal sports, building a healthy society, but also for many activities for and on behalf of war refugees from Ukraine" for the Żabka Group by the Polish Olympic Committee. The individual Award in the same category for the CEO, Tomasz Suchański.
- Żabka received an award from the UN Global Compact Network Poland for its commitment to climate protection and promoting sustainable development for the benefit of future generations.
- As part of the 3rd edition of the ESG Leaders competition organized by the Warsaw Stock Exchange and PwC Polska, Żabka Polska received a Gold Award for the pilot project Zielona Odnowa - implementation of the collection of disposable beverage packaging in the Żabka chain of stores in Bydgoszcz.
- Żabka was awarded as many as two CSR Leaves (Golden and Green). The award is given by the editors of the weekly magazine „Polityka" (eng. Politics).
- EcoVadis sustainability rating – Platinum Medal for Żabka Polska 2023.
- The Best Quality Employer 2023 - Żabka Polska awarded by the Central Office of National Certification.
- The Distinction Award in the "Best RPA or RPA & AI implementation in the last 18 months" category for chatbot Franek in the Computerworld Poland BEST IN RPA 2023.
- The Main Award in the Supply Chain Designer 2022 for the Logistics Center in Radzymin.
- The Award in the "Transformational Capabilities" category for the "Asystent Żabka " application in the Digital Excellence Awards competition 17.11.2022.
- The Food & Retail Award 2022 "for investments in the future of commerce and setting trends in the retail market" at the 5th Food Market & Retail Forum.
- The Title of "Investment of the Year" for the Logistics Center near Warsaw in the PROJECT OF THE YEAR category - Warehouse Project.
- The Golden Innovations of FMCG & Retail 2022 Award for Żabka Eko Smart in Poznań.
- The SAP Global Innovation Award 2022 for "The Summit of Digitization of Trade", among other things, for the implementation of SAP Integration Suite - building a smart integration core.
- The Title of "Investment of the Year" in the Prime Property Prize 2022 competition for the "7R" Warehouse in cooperation with Żabka.
- The Most Innovative Retail Implementation in Poland for Salesforce implementation in the Żabka Group.
- In the Prime Property Prize competition, Żabka received the award for the Logistics Center near Radzymin in the category "Investment of the Year".
- As part of the Proptech Festival contest, Żabka received the award for the Żabka Nano concept, which was recognized as an innovative property technology.
- Retail Innovation Award for Smart Stores for Żabka Nano.
- Friendly Workplace 2022 Special Award for an organizational culture based on values aimed at mutual respect, openness, diversity, and inclusiveness, awarded by the editorial board of MarkaPracodawca.pl.
- Żabka Polska was the first Polish retail company to receive the Equal Salary certificate indicating equal pay in the organization regardless of gender.
- The Żabka Group received the prestigious Retail Business Award 2022 in the category of Architect of the Year. The jury awards this distinction to companies that have had the most impact on the commercial sector, business partners, consumers, and the economy. The award was presented during the gala crowning the Retail Trends 2022.
- Żabka chain was awarded the Market of the Year statuette in four categories – Small Format, Most Innovative Concept, The Most Interesting Assortment Strategy, and The Best Franchise Concept. The awards were presented during the gala crowning the Retail Trends 2022.
- Lite e-Commerce – the company responsible for creating e-commerce solutions belonging to the Group – was awarded in the category of Best Commercial Start-up. The award was presented during the gala crowning the Retail Trends 2022.
- Żabka has been awarded in the XI edition of the Employer Branding Excellence Awards in three competition categories - the jury appreciated Żabka for the offline campaign "To żabkość!", the internal campaign "Chwaling Days 2021" and the graphic creation of the project "Gallup study". The award was presented during EB Summit 2022.
- Żabka Wins Coveted NACS Technology Award recognizing the company’s fully autonomous Żabka Nano store concept. The award was presented on 2 June during the NACS Convenience Summit Europe in Berlin.
- Żabka has been awarded the “Sustainable Economy Diamonds” in the category of Technology Leader for Sustainable Development. The project of autonomous Żabka Nano stores was awarded at conference Sustainable Economy Summit.
- Żabka Polska was among the leaders of the Polish economy distinguished by the editors of money.pl. The company won the money.pl award in the Technology of the Year category for the project of autonomous Żabka Nano stores.
- Honorary award of SAP Global Innovation Award 2022 for Żabka Polska and partner i2switch.com.
- Best Quality Employer in Poland in 2022, award granted by the decision of the National Certification Chapter.
- Anna Grabowska, Executive Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Commercial Officer responsible for the Consumer Strategy, on the second place in the prestigious ranking of the 50 most influential women in Poland organized by the Home & Market magazine.
- CEE Retail Awards in Specialty Retailer category.
- EcoVadis sustainability rating - Platinum Medal for Żabka Polska 2022.
- Grand Prize “Retailer of the Year 2021 – Chosen by Suppliers” in the category Small Format/Convenience Chain in the competition organised by the company European Conferences United.
- The Hallbars Awards 2022 – the Award for Żabka Group for the "Conveniently and Responsibly" Report for 2021.
- Żabka received the title of Zero Emission Leader from the editors of Forbes Magazine. The award was presented during the Sustainable Development Forum in Warsaw.
- Żabka awarded with as many as two Polityka CSR Leaves.
- 2nd place in the Poll “RoślinnieJemy” in the category “Game Changer 2021".
- Best Employer 2021 as ranked by Gazeta Finansowa.
- Chief Digital of the Year award for Tomasz Blicharski granted by Forbes and Business insider.
- Finalist for LinkedIn 2021 “Best Employer Brand” Żabka among Forbes' TOP 200 Best Brands, Best Polish Brands is a new ranking of "Forbes", created in cooperation with research company Minds & Roses.
- Prime Property Prize 2021, awarded in a competition organised by Grupa PTWP SA, a publisher of PropertyNews.pl and PropertyDesign.pl portals.
- Ragan's Workplace Wellness Awards in the Social Initiatives category.
- Best Quality Employer in Poland in 2021, award granted by the decision of the National Certification Chapter.
- Best Employer 2021 in Poland in the ranking of Gazeta Finansowa.
- Trustworthy Brand 2021 in the "Solid Company" category in a survey commissioned by the publisher of the "My Company Polska" monthly magazine and conducted by the Kantar Polska research institute.
- Master of Innovative Transformation, title awarded in the competition organised by ICAN Institute in the category of "Technology and Organization".
- Grand Prize "Retailer of the Year 2020 - Chosen by Suppliers" and the title of "Retailer of the Year 2020 - Chosen by Suppliers" in the category Small Format/Convenience Chain in the competition organised by the company European Conferences United.
- Date Drivers Award 2021 (Data Sharing Leader EMEA Award 2021), awarded in the annual competition organised by Snowflake.
- Golden Laurel of "Super Business" 2021 in the category of Supporting Business Development, awarded by the editors of "Super Business" magazine, a supplement to "Super Express".
- Food & Retail Award 2021, The award was granted by the decision of the editorial board of portalspozywczy.pl, dlahandlu.pl and horecatrends.pl.
- Winner of the "Supermen of Quality 2021" competition, organised by TÜV NORD Polska. Żabka Polska awarded 1st place in the "Safety" category.
- Finalist in the category "Digital Customer Experience" in the Digital Excellence Awards 2021.
- BLIX Awards Consumers' Choice 2020/2021 in the industry programme organised by BLIX Group, November-December 2021 AdRetail Inspiro Award in the programme of Interia.pl Group.
- "The Best Product 2021 - Consumers' Choice" in the survey carried out for Wydawnictwo Gospodarczy Sp. z o.o. by research center GfK Polonia Institute.
- First place in the RoślinnieJemy competition in the category "The Best Vegetable Product of 2020".
- CSR Letters of Polityka 2021 (distinction) awarded by the editors of Polityka "The Best Product 2021 - Consumers' Choice" in the survey carried out on commission of Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o. by the research center GfK Polonia Institute.
- Ecological Company 2021 in the report of Gazeta Finansowa.
- Main Prize in the Sustainable Development Report category for the "Conveniently and Responsibly" Report in the Sustainable Development Reports Competition organised by the Responsible Business Forum Association and Deloitte.
- Laureate of the Eco Pillars award, awarded by MANAGER monthly.
- Winner of the first edition of the "ESG Leaders" competition - 3rd place in the category "Innovation in the ESG area". The organisers of the competition are: NN Investment Partners TFI, Warsaw Stock Exchange and PwC, strategic partner UN Global Compact Poland Network.
Contact for media

Tel.: + 48 514 877 509

E-mail: biuro.prasowe@zabka.pl

Responsibility Report 2023