Our ethical business

Collaboration is an important element of all aspects of sustainable development, but it holds a special place in building a sustainable value chain. We aim to grow based on ethical principles of cooperation, with business partners who share our values and beliefs. Our priority is compliance with regulatory requirements, both concerning our internal operations and cooperation with suppliers. We also have a range of our own commitments, which reflect our ambitions and respond to market changes, development trends, and consumer expectations.
To fully engage business partners in the realization of our mission to build a responsible and ethical supply chain, we have implemented the Code of Conduct for Business Partners and the Human Rights Policy for Business Partners. We believe that through cooperation based on these documents, constant dialogue, and exchange of experiences with our suppliers, we can jointly create value by building a responsible business.
Our goals and ambitions
100% of business partners familiarised with the Code of Conduct
Our ambition in this area is to engage all our Business Partners in adhering to the Code of Conduct for Business Partners and jointly achieving the goals outlined in our policies.
Our activities
Independent Ethical Audits Strengthen Our Business Relationships
At Żabka, we care about monitoring the supply chain and assessing the risks associated with sustainable development and supplier performance. Independent ethical audits, which our suppliers can undergo, are particularly helpful in this regard.
There are many companies in the market that conduct comprehensive audits, employing qualified auditors, such as SGS, Bureau Veritas, Intertek, and TÜV Rheinland. These are independent organizations, and Żabka does not interfere in the audit process in any way, neither in the selection of the auditor nor during the writing of the audit report. Currently, the leading global standards for ethical audits include SMETA (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), amfori BSCI, and Ecovadis. Each standard has a slightly different methodology, but they are always based on the same pillars: business ethics, human rights, and environmental protection.
Why do we prefer SMETA?
SMETA is one of the world's leading standards for ethical social audits. At Żabka, guided by responsibility in our daily operations, we approach the topic of a sustainable supply chain with due diligence and rely on proven and reliable tools such as SMETA standard audits.
The SMETA audit defines a uniform reporting format, ensuring that the information is meaningful and comparable. The audit report is published in the SEDEX database, increasing transparency and supporting supplier management and risk reduction. The SMETA standard audit is offered by most independent auditing firms in the market, ensuring its availability to our business partners.
The audit helps strengthen cooperation
At Żabka, in line with our responsibility strategy, we focus on partnership cooperation with our suppliers, so the audit results do not determine the end of cooperation with a partner. Detected non-compliances indicate areas where the supplier should work to achieve compliance with the guidelines. Żabka can provide the partner with substantive support to correct non-compliances in the spirit of cooperation and dialogue.
Why do we care about this?
• We take due diligence to ensure respect for human rights in the supply chain.
• We can better prevent potential risks in the supply chain and detect them at an early stage.
Why is it worthwhile from the perspective of our suppliers?
• Suppliers increase their competitiveness in the market – conducting ethical business and regularly checking compliance with principles such as working conditions and human rights ensures the trust of conscious contractors. The supplier can communicate the audit results to all their business partners and post them on their website, serving as a showcase of their commitment to ethical business conduct.
• Regular checks on ethical business conduct allow the supplier to detect and mitigate non-compliances, which can carry financial and reputational costs.
What is the SEDEX database?
The SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) database is a global platform for exchanging information on ethically sustainable production in the supply chain. It enables members to support supplier management and reduce risk through information exchange. The platform facilitates the building of ethically responsible business practices.
Why use the SEDEX database?
• Transparency and credibility
SEDEX enables companies to demonstrate compliance with high standards in working conditions and human rights. The information is transparent and accessible to potential partners.
• Risk management
By exchanging information in a globally recognized database, companies can better manage supply chain risks.
• Responsible business practices
SEDEX promotes responsible business practices throughout the value chain, which can contribute to improving the company's image.
What does a sustainable value chain mean to us?
Our policies

Documents, which are fundamental in achieving our mission to build a responsible and ethical supply chain.

Policies that are an expression of our ambitions, responding to market changes, development trends and consumer expectations, which we want to pursue with our business partners.
Sustainable Sourcing Policies for Raw Materials, Goods, and Services

Biodiversity Policy (PDF)
Plastic Circularity Policy (PDF)
Decarbonisation Policy (PDF)
Animal Welfare Policy (PDF)
Ecodesign Policy (PDF)
Policy on Responsible Sourcing of Minerals – Conflict Minerals and Cobalt (PDF)
Food Waste Prevention Policy (PDF)
Transport Policy (PDF)
Water Resources Policy (PDF)
Waste Management Policy (PDF)
Sustainable Palm Oil Policy (PDF)
Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Plant, Raw Materials and Sustainable Fishing of Fish and Seafood (PDF)
Our progress
We continuously collaborate with our business partners to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct for as many of them as possible. We provide them with substantive support both before the start of the cooperation, during the signing of contracts and in the pursuit of compliance.
What else can we improve together

Responsibility Report 2023